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How to Present Your Business Plan? Pitch Deck


Romina Iaconelli |

Your business plan, however brilliant it may be, requires a great deal of work to turn it into a feasible and profitable project or business for shareholders, partners and employees.

However, presenting your business plan should not be a headache, since no one but you knows how profitable it is. But how can you present this plan in a few steps, in a few words, and in a way that is easy to capture the attention of shareholders?

Well, we will explain in a few steps how to prepare a Pitch Deck to present your business plan.

But what is a Pitch Deck?

Before explaining these steps, it is important to get into context and know what a Pitch Deck is. This is a brief presentation that gives an overview of the business to shareholders and investors. Its main objective is to spark their interest so that they want to know more and get a next meeting.

In this type of presentation, the product is usually shown, the monetization strategy, the business model, among other things, are analyzed.

You must take into account that each company is different and these presentations may vary, however, there is a format that works for most business plans and that usually generates interest among potential shareholders.

What You Should Keep in Mind

✅Make simple and short slides that show the important ideas of what you want to convey.

✅Leave room for questions.

✅Use large, bold fonts.

✅Limit the number of words on your slides. Less is more.

✅Use images that fit with the text and add value.

✅Create emotional connections with ideas. Tell it like a story.

✅Don't overstate the business opportunity. Be precise and get straight to the point.

✅Send it in PDF once the presentation is finished.

What Should Presentation Slides Include?

1. Vision and Value Proposition

This is a summary of your business where you explain the value your company brings to customers. It should be short, simple and to the point. An example of this is imagining that you write a Tweet in which you must describe your business in 140 characters in a way that is understandable to everyone.

Don't use technical terms and think about how you would explain it to someone close to you who is not part of the company.


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2. The Problem

This point is essential to present the problem your business is solving, who will solve it, and how they will address it. You can mention some current solutions on the market, but don't touch on the subject of competition too much; you can talk about that later.

We recommend that you present this point as a story, making it as real as possible. Investors will understand it better.

3. Target Audience

This is the part of the presentation where you will present to investors the profile of your ideal client, the size of the market you are targeting and how the company will position itself. We recommend that you include data to corroborate this, as investors will like to know how much people, or companies, spend in this market to get an idea of ​​the size.

This is where you need to outline the scope of the problem you are solving. Here you can divide the market into segments that will be addressed through various marketing strategies.

4. The Solution

Dive into your product description. Describe how your customers use your product and how you will address the problems you outlined above. State the problem and how bad it can be for people, and that's where you'll show your product in action as the solution.

5. Business Model

Once you have described your product, it is time to discuss how you will make money. How much you charge, who pays the bills. For some companies, advertisers are the biggest source of income instead of users, as is the case with the media. All of these details should be detailed at this point.


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6. Roadmap

Investors will want to see that you have tested the functionality of everything you have presented to them, as this will give them confidence in the reduced risks. Any proof you have that validates your proposal will work.

Also, take the opportunity to talk about your achievements, the goals you have achieved so far and what the next step you will take will be.

7. Marketing Strategy

It's time to present your marketing and sales plan . Detail the key plan you'll use to get your product in front of potential customers.

Finding and winning customers can be a big challenge for a startup . That's why it's essential to show how you'll reach the market and your target audience, and what sales channels you'll use. If you have a strategy that's different from your competitors, don't hesitate to mention it.

8. The Team

Explain why you and your team are the right people to lead the company to success. Highlight key team members, their experience at other companies, and the success they have achieved there. If you don't have a fully formed team, identify the positions you need to fill and how important they are to the business's operation.

9. Finance

It is important to detail your finances , from the sales forecast to the cash flow forecast , for at least three years. Show it in sales charts, total customers, expenses and profits. Do not present it in spreadsheets, these are difficult to read and understand.  

10. The Competition

Every business has competition, so whether you're entering a completely new market or not, your customers might be buying other products to solve the same problem you're solving.

Mention how your business fits into the competitive landscape, what sets your company apart from the rest, and what options exist in today's market. Show what you offer that others don't.

11. Investment

Now it's time to ask for capital, money. Here it's very important that you make it very clear to the investors how much money you need, why you need it and how you're going to use these funds. If you already have other investors, tell them why they decided to finance your company and who they are.

Do you want to get funding for your startup? Learn how to tell the story of your idea, product or business in an impactful way to attract investors who will help you gain more and new clients in record time with our course on:

🔷 Pitch deck: Get Funding 🔷

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