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Keys to Creating a Startup's Branding


Romina Iaconelli |

The process of creating a company is an exciting and key moment to create and define the brand's personality, how it will look, how it will speak and how our customers will perceive us.

This is where branding comes in. This process seeks to provide a certain personality to the brand so that it is recognized in the media and in the market. This identity is transferred to products and/or services in the corporate world.

Branding is often thought to be just the logo and the identity manual or cover letter, but it goes beyond that; how the brand will be seen in all media and in the market, its communication and language with which it will address the public, even the decoration of the offices, speaks of the personality of a company or startup .

That is why branding is defined as the basis of a company; it is that differential value that will position it in the mind of the consumer.

In startups , branding is one of the key points in business development, because in addition to allowing it to position itself in the market, it will allow it to attract new talents necessary for the team, new investors and attract new clients.

Steps to Create the Branding of a Startup

You should know that branding does not emerge overnight. It is born from the linking of several elements that represent what the entrepreneur wants to convey as an organization. Below we list 6 steps to create a startup branding :

1. Evaluation:

Before naming a brand, you first need to go through an evaluation phase to determine the startup 's value proposition. This process will help define the company's strategy and serve to develop a solid startup branding.


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2. Establish the niche:

After having a prior evaluation of the brand's value proposition, we come to the point where we study the market niches or target that we will address. Here we will establish how it will be done, the benefits it will bring and the difference compared to the competition.

3. Name selection:

Here we come to the basis of everything, the creation of the branding of a startup , in which we will give the brand a name. This must be original, easy to remember and must have strength.

4. The slogan:

Also known as Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the value proposition or sales proposition, which is unified in a simple phrase. The purpose of this phrase will be to drive the purchase action of the product or service.


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5. The graphic line:

The graphic line must be composed of the logo, fonts, corporate colors, presentation templates, POP material, stationery design, among others. All of this must be in line with the value proposition.

6. Set the elevator pitch:

We consider this to be the last of the keys to building branding . This step has to do with how to present the startup in less than a minute to potential investors or new talents at almost any time.

To capture that attention in such a short time, it is advisable to follow these tips:

✅Get straight to the point with interesting facts.

✅Avoid verbs like “think” and use action verbs like “do.”

✅Convey the value proposition and try to get a second meeting or at least a business card.

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