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Laravel 11 from scratch + integration with Tailwind.css and Vue 3

This course will guide you step-by-step through integrating Laravel with Tailwind CSS for an elegant design and Vue 3 for an interactive UI. Ideal for developers looking to master the full stack and build robust, stylish applications. Get started today and take your skills to the next level!

By Andres Cruz Yoris | Bachelor of Computer Science - Central University of Venezuela

$15.99 USD $74.99 USD

15 day refund guarantee

This course includes:

▪️ 52h 30m duration on demand

▪️ 415 lessons

▪️ 0 downloadable resources

▪️ Available on mobile devices

▪️ Access forever

▪️ Language:

  • Spanish

▪️ Unlimited consultations

⚑ Certificate of completion

What you will learn

🟧 Laravel Management: You will learn to use Laravel fluently, understanding its fundamental components for the development of modern web applications.

🟧 Data Management Application Development: You will be able to develop data management applications using Laravel, from creating and organizing modules to implementing CRUD and other key functionalities.

🟧 Modern Technologies Integration: You will acquire the skills necessary to integrate Laravel with Tailwind CSS for elegant design and Vue 3 to create interactive user interfaces.

🟧 Security and Authentication: You will learn how to implement login systems with password protection, credential recovery, and management of different levels of access between users.

🟧 SPA Application Development: You will build end-user-facing single-page web applications (SPA), such as a blog, using Laravel and Vue 3.

🟧 Forms and Validations: You will develop the ability to create, validate and process forms efficiently within your applications.

Course content

U1: Introduction to Laravel
  • Introduction
  • Required software: Global
  • Development environment for Windows: Laragon
  • Development environment for MacOS and Windows: Laravel Herd
  • Create a Laravel project on Windows
  • Creating a Laravel project on MacOS
  • Folder structure
  • Fix could not find driver in Windows
  • Run migrations (only if you created the project through composer)
  • Getting started with Laravel
  • Routes: Introduction
  • Model view controller
  • Setting up MySQL Database – Mac with Laravel Herd
  • Demo: Setting up MySQL database
  • Artisan the command line: Introduction
U2: Routes, Controllers and Views
  • Task: Create two named routes and associated views
  • Redirects
  • Blade directives: if and for
  • Layout or master view
  • Controller: Getting Started
  • Resource type routes
  • Parameters in routes
  • compact
U3: Migrations
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Create a migration: Category
  • Create a migration: Post
  • Publish on github
U4: MVC and CRUD
  • Introduction
  • Create a resource type controller (CRUD)
  • Create a record
  • Update a record
  • Delete a record
  • Return types in controller methods
  • Foreign relations
  • Publish on github
U5: CRUD and forms
  • Introduction
  • Create: Configure form
  • Create: Controller, create
  • Create View, CSRF
  • Create: Controller, store
  • Create: Validations in the controller using the request
  • Create: Validations in the controller using the request, second way
  • Create: Validations using a FormRequest class
  • Create: Views, Display Form Errors
  • Create: Request, Validate the slug
  • Create: Views, Display errors in a separate view fragment
  • List
  • Listing: Pagination
  • Listing: CRUD Options
  • Task: Editing process
  • View fragment for fields
  • Previous values
  • Uploading Images: Getting Started
  • Uploading images
  • Task: Delete
  • Task: Detail View
  • CRUD of categories
  • Tinker
  • Routes: Review
  • Grouped routes
  • Publish on github
U6 : Messages per session
  • Introduction
  • Flash type messages
  • session
  • Publish on github
U7: Laravel Breeze
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Install and configure
  • Explore generated content
  • Adapt style to the rest of the application: Layout
  • Style the rest of the application: Tables
  • Style the rest of the application: Forms
  • Style the rest of the application: Container
  • Style the rest of the app: Configure the buttons
  • Adapt style to the rest of the application: Letter
  • Adapt style to the rest of the application: Alert
  • Style the rest of the app: General styles
  • Add navigation links
  • Laravel Breeze installation variants: Vue
  • Role Management: Presentation
  • Role Management: Migration
  • Role Management: Middleware
  • Role Management: Assign admin role and test user
  • Publish on github
U8: Common Operations in Eloquent (ORM)
  • View the SQL
  • Joins
  • Introduction
  • Ordination
  • WhereIn and WhereNotInt
  • Nested Where or orWhere
  • Get a record
  • Limit the number of records
  • Get random records
U9: Components
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Controller and component for the blog
  • Layout
  • Design for the listing
  • Detail
  • Default slot
  • Slots with name
  • Slots with name on one line
  • Components with classes: Detail view
  • Invoke methods
  • Passing parameters to components
  • Attributes: Mix
  • Attributes: Class
  • Props
  • Get and filter attributes
  • Arrow Function in PHP
  • Dynamic components
  • Hide attributes/methods
  • Scope of components
  • Publish on github
U10: Seeders and Factories
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Seeder for the categories
  • Seeder for posts
  • DatabaseSeeder Class
  • Factory for the posts
  • Publish on github
U11: Rest API
  • Introduction
  • Publish api.php file
  • Create category and posts controller and hello world
  • CRUD for the Categories APICRUD for the Categories API
  • Task: CRUD for Posts API
  • Try API
  • Implementing Custom Methods: All Records
  • Implementing Custom Methods: Slug
  • Handling exceptions
  • Publish on github
U12: Consuming Rest API from Vue 3
  • Introduction
  • Install and configure Vue
  • Hello World in Vue
  • Getting started with Oruga UI
  • Expose axios
  • Generate a listing
  • Expose the category relationship
  • Install Material Design Icons
  • Pagination
  • Routing with Vue Router: Installation and presentation
  • Routing with Vue Router: Create Routing
  • Routing with Vue Router: Creating Links
  • Component to create: Base structure
  • Component to create: Create a post
  • Component to create: Create a post with validations
  • Edit a record
  • Delete a record
  • Optional parameters for Vue route in Laravel
  • Tailwind.css in Vue project with Oruga UI
  • Container
  • Various changes to the listing component
  • Various changes to the save component
  • Confirmation message to delete
  • Action Taken Message
  • File upload: Controller
  • File upload: Vue
  • File upload: Tag
  • File Upload: Handling Form Errors
  • File Upload: Drag and Drop
  • Delete previous files
  • Optional: Migrate routes to App.vue
  • Publish on github
U13: Authentication in the Rest Api (Sanctum) - Changes in the App in Vue
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Authentication for a SPA website
  • Login Module
  • Create user
  • Login Module: Testing and Adapting to the Rest API
  • Login Module: Testing with login and App in Vue
  • Protect routes
  • Component for Login
  • Status codes in the Login controller response
  • Show incorrect login
  • Summary and next steps
  • Token-based authentication: Basic configurations
  • Token-based authentication: Create tokens
  • Consume resource protected with the token
  • Handling the authentication token
  • Create global user object in Vue
  • Redirects in the login component
  • Send token in requests
  • Log out: Session
  • Logout: Token
  • Handling the authentication token using a Cookie
  • Unify Token and Sanctum Session
  • Verify User Token: Introduction
  • Verify User Token: Implementation
  • Protect routes by authentication required
  • Final functional details
  • Visual details: Login
  • Visual details: Container
  • Visual details: Navbar
  • Visual details: Navbar: Navigation links
  • Visual details: Logo
  • Navbar: Avatar
  • Visual details: Navbar: Final details
  • Letter for CRUD components
  • Block login button at submit time
  • Publish on github
U14: Cache
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Basic use of cache
  • HTML content or view fragment in web module
  • Example with the rememberForever method
  • Avoid database operation in detail
  • JSON content in Rest Api
  • Route cache
  • Cache helper method
  • Publish on github
  • Demo: Cache with Redis
U15: Gate Y Policies (Authorization)
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Migration for posts
  • Changes in Seeders, Facades and Post model
  • Gate: Presentation
  • First Gate
  • Policy: Presentation
  • First Policy
  • Policy responses
  • Modify post saving
  • Important methods
  • before method
  • Publish on Github
U16: Roles and Permissions (Spatie)
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Install and configure
  • Seeder: Permissions and roles
  • Methods for assigning: Roles to permissions
  • Methods for assigning: Permissions to roles
  • Check permissions on views
  • Create a CRUD of roles
  • Create a permissions CRUD
  • Add/Remove Permissions to Roles: Initial Structure
  • Assign permissions to the role using a form
  • Install axios
  • Assigning permissions to the role using HTTP requests using JavaScript
  • Adapt the permission assignment method to handle form requests and axios requests
  • Add an item (permission) to the list
  • Removing a permission from a role using a form
  • Remove permissions from the selected role
  • Remove an item (permission) from the list
  • Avoid inserting duplicate permissions in the list
  • Creating CRUD for Users: Part 1
  • Creating CRUD for Users: Part 2
  • Generate factory for users
  • Managing user roles: List of roles
  • User role management: List of roles assigned to the user
  • Managing user roles: Assigning roles
  • Managing user roles: Removing roles
  • User permission management: List of permissions
  • User Permission Management: Assigning Permissions to Users
  • Managing user permissions: Removing user permissions
  • Check access via spatie: Crud of posts and categories
  • Verify access through spatie: Access to Post CRUD
  • Verify access via spatie: Access to Category CRUD
  • Checking access via spatie: Access to CRUD from views
  • Verify access via spatie: Access to the User CRUD
  • Migrate from the previous role scheme to spatie
  • Verify access using spatie: Crud of roles and permissions
  • Migrate controller permission checking to Gate for users
  • Define links and verify access to CRUDs in views
  • Design
  • Publish on github
U17: Relationships
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • One-on-one relationships: Getting started
  • One to many relationships
  • Many-to-many relationships: Structure
  • Many-to-Many Relationships: Tests
  • Many-to-many relationships: Polymorphic, Presentation
  • Many-to-many relationships: Polymorphic, Structure
  • Many-to-many relationships: Polymorphic, Tests
  • Challenge: Label CRUD
  • Selecting tags in posts
  • Publish on github
U18: General aspects
  • Introduction
  • Where do we start from?
  • Environment Variables and Configurations: Overview
  • Environment variables and configurations
  • Logging: Presentation
  • Logging
  • Custom pagination
  • Sending emails, key elements
  • Sending emails, implementation
  • Helpers
  • Collections
  • Transactional operations in the database
  • Eager loading and lazy loading: Presentation
  • Lazy Loading
  • Eager Loading
  • Eager loading and lazy loading: Second exercise
  • Mutators and accessors
  • Localization and translation: Presentation
  • Localization and translation: Text strings for translation
  • Localization and Translation: Example Translations
  • Localization and translation: Framework-level translations
  • Configure regional settings (localization)
  • Demo Middleware for language prefix in URL
  • Localization and Translation: Attributes
  • Localization and Translation: Attributes and Capitalization
  • Custom Attributes in @vite
  • Remove public or index.php folder from URL in Laravel
  • Queues and Jobs: Presentation
  • Queues and Jobs: Flow
  • Queues and Jobs: First example
  • Queues and Jobs: Processing queue
  • Queues and Jobs: Sending mail and passing parameters
  • Queues and Jobs: Some options and failed jobs
  • Queues and Jobs: Additional Tests
  • Install Redis on Laragon
  • Queues and Jobs: Process Image, create procedure
  • Queues and Jobs: Process Image, job
  • Queues and Jobs: Job class attributes
  • Exception Handling: Presentation
  • Exception handling: $exceptions->render()
  • Exception handling: $exceptions->respond()
  • Exception Handling: Custom Error Pages
  • Laravel to production, Apache: Keys
  • Laravel to production, Apache: FTP
  • Laravel to production, Apache: Final configurations
  • Exception Handling: Custom Exceptions
  • Choking/Throttling
U19: Must-have packages
  • Introduction
  • Where we start from
  • Simple QR
  • Laravel Excel: Introduction
  • Laravel SEO: Introduction
  • Laravel Debugbar
  • Paypal: Presentation
  • PayPal: Website and Settings
  • PayPal: Implementing a simple customer-facing payment system, Initial setup
  • PayPal: Implement a simple payment system in the client, Create Order
  • PayPal: Implement a simple payment system on the server, Receive order
  • PayPal: Implement a simple server-side payment system, Generate token
  • PayPal: Implement a simple server-side payment system, Complete order
  • PayPal: Implementing a simple server-side payment system, Next steps
  • mobiledetectlib: Detect mobile browsing
  • Laravel Fortify: Presentation, configuration and installation
  • Laravel Fortify: Basic Operation
U20: Tests
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Understanding the tests
  • Mathematical operations
  • Trying the API: Overview
  • Testing the api/category/all API
  • Changes in PHPUnit definition, database for testing and in memory
  • Testing the POST api/category API
  • Demo: POST api/category API without dedicated database
  • Demo: POST API api/category, validate output data
  • Task: GET API api/category/, detail
  • PUT API api/category/, edit
  • DELETE API api/category/, delete
  • API, validation errors, title
  • assertContains, clarification
  • API, validation errors, slug
  • API, validation errors, slug, unique
  • API, 404 pages in detail
  • Testing the api/post/all API
  • Testing the POST API api/post
  • PUT API api/post/, edit
  • DELETE API api/post/, delete
  • API, validation errors, title
  • API, validation errors, slug
  • API, validation errors, image
  • API, validation errors, slug, unique
  • API, 404 pages in detail
  • GET API api/, detail
  • API, authentication, generate token
  • API, authentication, logout, auth via Rest Api
  • API, authentication, logout, manual auth
  • API, authentication, check token
  • API, authentication, invalid login
  • API, authentication, invalid token check
  • Consume token from protected resources
  • Use token generation in all tests
  • Web App: Getting Started
  • Web App: Login, GET
  • Problem with hashes in the password
  • Web App: Login, POST
  • Web App: Login, GET and POST in a single test
  • Web App: Invalid login
  • Web App: Register
  • Web App: Register invalid user
  • Web App Blog: Paginated Listing
  • TDD to develop functionalities from tests
  • Web App Blog: Detail
  • Web App Blog: Detail, with cache
  • Web App Dashboard: List
  • Web Dashboard App: GET Form
  • Web App Dashboard: setUp() method and authentication
  • Web App Dashboard: setUp() method, roles and permissions
  • Web Dashboard App: POST FormWeb Dashboard App: POST Form
  • App Web Dashboard: POST form, invalid
  • App Web Dashboard: Edit, Get Form
  • Web App Dashboard: Edit Form, Put
  • Web App Dashboard: Edit Form, invalid
  • Web App Dashboard: Category
  • Web App Dashboard: Role
  • Web App Dashboard: Permissions
  • Web App Dashboard: User
  • Web App Dashboard: Edit, Delete Form
  • Web App Dashboard: User: invalid data
  • Testing with Pest
  • Testing the api/category/all API
  • Authentication token
  • Without Pest.php file
  • Testing the POST api/category API
  • Test for API CRUD category
  • Test for post CRUD API
  • Test for user CRUD API
  • Test for CRUD Dashboard category
  • Test for Dashboard CRUD post
  • Rest of the tests
Course evaluation
  • This course contains a final exam
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⚑ Certificate of completion

Your personalized digital certificate, a unique badge of your achievements, with international validity, course duration and QR code for instant verification.

Downloadable resources:


✔️ This course, "Laravel 11 from scratch + integration with Tailwind.css and Vue 3", offers you comprehensive and practical training to develop modern web applications using Laravel, a powerful PHP framework. Throughout this course, you will learn from the basics to advanced techniques to create robust and stylish applications.

Through practical examples, you will learn how to integrate Laravel with Tailwind CSS for elegant, responsive design and Vue 3 to build interactive user interfaces. This course is ideal for developers who want to master the full stack and take their skills to the next level.

Additionally, the course covers the implementation of key functionalities such as user authentication, SPA application development, and form management. With over 10 hours of content and a step-by-step approach, you will be prepared to develop professional web applications that excel in both functionality and design.

This course is perfect for developers looking to improve their skills and expand their career opportunities in the field of full-stack web development. Get started today and turn your knowledge into a competitive advantage!

Companies from all industries invest in the development of their teams with this course from G-Talent and Andres Cruz Yoris

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Benjamín Rodríguez
Los resultados son increíbles!

La integración con Tailwind permite a los desarrolladores crear interfaces personalizadas sin complicaciones.

Ana Rodríguez
Un curso para seguir aprendiendo

La práctica constante es clave para dominar Laravel y Tailwind CSS.

Nicolás Romero
Excelente curso

El curso se centra en proyectos prácticos, lo que facilita la comprensión de conceptos complejos.

Andres Cruz Yoris

Bachelor of Computer Science - Central University of Venezuela

About Andres Cruz Yoris

Bachelor of Computer Science - Central University of Venezuela

Software developer with over 10 years of experience. Passionate about programming and continuous learning, Andrés has dedicated his career to creating services and applications that make users' lives easier, always exploring and adopting the latest Internet-related technologies.

Andrés Cruz Yoris combines his solid background in computing with a deep curiosity for new technologies. For more than a decade, he has worked on various software development projects, where his self-taught approach has allowed him to master multiple programming languages ​​and tools. His ability to learn independently and apply this knowledge in real projects makes him a versatile and effective developer.

Now, Andrés is dedicated to sharing his vast experience with others, offering his knowledge in an accessible and practical way. Through his courses, he seeks to help others learn quickly and comfortably, providing an education that combines theory with examples and practical applications.

What makes Andrés different?

▪️ Experience in Software Development: With more than 10 years in the industry, Andrés has acquired extensive experience in creating applications and services that improve the lives of users.
▪️ Passion for Technology and Learning: Andrés is an enthusiast of new technologies and is self-taught, which allows him to always be at the forefront in his field.
▪️ Practical and Accessible Teaching: Its educational approach is designed so that students can learn quickly and effectively, with an emphasis on the practical application of knowledge.

If you are looking to learn from a computer expert with a passion for technology and teaching, Andrés Cruz Yoris is the ideal choice.

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