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Start Your Healthy Lifestyle Today


Jerotshi Cáceres |

Start your healthy lifestyle today, this is one of the best decisions you can make. If you are reading this article it is because you want to take a big step, and we will help you to achieve it.

The truth is that making the decision is the most complicated thing, but if you have already decided to change your habits, you should take advantage of this impulse, and you can achieve a healthy lifestyle , just by starting with a few small changes.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is why? Why do you want to start a healthy lifestyle? Because you have a health problem, because it's trendy to be healthy, because you need to increase your energy levels, etc. Each of the reasons is valid, but they must be important enough in your life to sustain it over time.

The success of a healthy life is being able to make it sustainable over time, which means implementing new healthy habits consistently, being aware of each of those changes, being intentional about everything that happens and what doesn't, you must let it flow, organize your priorities and do more of what makes you feel good. We must even unlearn old habits to make room for new ones.

If you are ready to make a change in your life, keep reading so you can put these tips into practice.

How to start your healthy lifestyle?

Nutrition, physical activity and your mental well-being are the pillars for maintaining a healthy lifestyle . We must take into account that we will always be talking about the long term in order to see the results. This means that habits must be built around these pillars that can be maintained over time.

Tips for starting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle

1. Healthy lifestyle :

Less is more

The best thing you can do to have a healthy lifestyle is to start with small changes, because each of these small changes you can implement will make a big difference. No one starts walking without first crawling or falling in the process. The same will happen when it comes to adopting a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to small changes, you should incorporate them into your routine little by little so that you can get used to it and not reject it because it is too hard or exhausting. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable during the process.

2. Healthy lifestyle :

Enjoy every change

During the process of adopting new habits for a healthy lifestyle , you should enjoy and make the most of each change. Internalize how it makes you feel, what are the benefits of having implemented this new habit in your life and you will see how you want to continue adding new habits to your routine to feel better and better.

3. Healthy lifestyle :

Practice consistency

The small habits you incorporate must be constant, very powerful and in this way they will become well-being for you. Consistency, therefore, is the key to starting a healthy lifestyle. If you are not constant you will not see changes, you will simply continue repeating old habits because it is much more comfortable for you.

4. Healthy lifestyle :

Do something that makes you happy

The idea of ​​choosing a healthy lifestyle is that this change makes you happy and gives you well-being. Therefore, you should not do anything that goes against these two great principles. Choose routines, activities and times of the day that you feel comfortable with, so that instead of being a torture, this is a process that you make the most of and enjoy.

5. Healthy lifestyle :

Pick up what you left behind

If you want to start leading a healthy lifestyle, we suggest you go back to everything that made you happy at some point, and that you are sure can also produce the same feeling of well-being, calm and peace today. We are referring to things that you stopped doing or practicing due to lack of time or motivation. You should give yourself the opportunity to go back to doing what you like so much, but that at some point you abandoned for whatever reason.

6. Healthy lifestyle :

Make a change that doesn't take time and effort

If you start with a change that allows you time and motivation, you will be adding a habit that won't affect your initial routine, but you will be making a difference in starting your healthy lifestyle . Start with something that doesn't completely throw you out of your routine and doesn't frustrate your plans, so you don't feel obligated to do it but simply because you have the time and the disposition.


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7. Healthy lifestyle :

Set schedules for a physical routine

Set a time of day to establish physical activity routines. You can do them at home or go to a gym. The important thing is that you do an activity that you enjoy. If you like running, swimming, using machines or prefer to exercise outdoors, you can do 30 minutes a day, about 3 to 4 days a week and you will be making a big change, no matter how small it may seem.

8. Healthy lifestyle :

Plan your meals

Maintaining a healthy diet is about consistency and dedication, so don't leave room for improvisation, because this will only make you rush into making less healthy choices instead of eating healthy. This doesn't mean you have to restrict yourself, but remember that what you do most of the time is what counts. Set meal times and plan a weekly menu so you can keep track of your diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

9. Healthy lifestyle :

Create habits

You should start incorporating healthy habits that can replace the previous ones. Remember that they should be small changes and you should start incorporating them little by little, for example: a habit associated with coffee consumption. It does not mean that you are going to stop drinking it. What you should do is reduce the daily rates. And so with each aspect, if you have to eliminate something, you cannot do it all at once, because your body will ask for it and you will not feel good with such a drastic change.

10. Healthy lifestyle :

Take some time for yourself

You must find time for yourself. Between work commitments, with your friends, family and your general routine, it can be difficult to find time just for yourself. Find a time that you can enjoy and do what you want. This is necessary for a healthy lifestyle , because it's not all about pleasing others and leaving yourself in the background.

11. Healthy lifestyle :

Be grateful for what you have achieved

It is important to be grateful for what we have achieved so far, gratitude brings happiness and well-being, for this reason we recommend that you put self-compassion into practice and be thankful every day for having achieved your objectives and goals, no matter how small they may seem to you.


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Some other daily habits that you can put into practice and that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle are:

Listen to the music you like: this habit is therapeutic and can help you relax in times of stress or tension.

Keep a positive attitude: While it is true that we cannot be in a good mood all day, try to look for the positive side of things so that you can enjoy life more.

Find moments of peace and tranquility: it is always necessary to make some space between the daily chaos of the routine.

Have clear objectives: to put order to your established priorities.

Being present in every moment is necessary to live a healthy, full and happy lifestyle . Remember that we are moments, we have to enjoy the here and now.

We hope our tips will motivate you to start your healthy lifestyle on the right foot today. We have more articles related to nutrition , lifestyle and other very interesting topics that you can take advantage of to complement this article.

Courses that may interest you

Do you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle? We recommend some courses that could help you improve your quality of life: Mindfulness and Wellbeing, Assertive Communication and Wellbeing and Positive Psychology.