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Learn the Best Techniques for Public Speaking


Jerotshi Cáceres |

If you are one of those people who finds public speaking difficult, or who is afraid or nervous, keep reading and learn the best techniques for public speaking. Put these techniques into practice to speak in public and not die trying.

Communication is extremely important to express our ideas, it is an important basis to show our face to the world, whether to sell an idea, lifestyle, a product or your own personal brand.

Below we will break down some public speaking techniques that you can use:

The best techniques for public speaking

1. Act naturally

When speaking in public, one of the best techniques is to present yourself as you are, being yourself and not playing any role. The most important thing is to maintain your essence so that you can feel comfortable, and others perceive your confidence in the speech.

Focus on being yourself when dressing, too. You should feel comfortable and wear something that you identify with. It is not necessary to dress uncomfortably, with a suit or tie. If you don't like it, don't choose this clothing, because otherwise you will be aware of what bothers you or makes you uncomfortable.

public speaking techniques

2. Identify your audience

Before speaking in public, you must know the audience you are going to address, because you must speak to an audience that knows what they want to hear. Knowing their interests, why they are listening to you or what they expect from you is important so that you can focus your speech in the right direction.

public speaking techniques

3. Know the topic

One of the best techniques for public speaking is to be familiar with the topic you are going to talk about. This will give you the confidence you need to speak in public. This means that the better you are at handling the topic, the more confident you will be. You will also be able to structure your talk better and answer questions from your audience without any problems.

public speaking techniques public speaking techniques


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techniques for public speaking

4. Control your nerves

The fear of public speaking is one of the most common issues, at least 80% of the population admits to being terrified of speaking in front of an audience. So if this is your case, you are not alone.

We don't really have a magic formula, because things will work differently for everyone, but there's very little chance of anything going wrong if you follow the techniques above.

If you get stuck, you can take a moment, concentrate on your breathing, drink some water and get back on track. But you should always find something that can help you calm your nerves, because they are always there, otherwise it is not worth having the experience, that means you are alive, but when this fear paralyzes you, that is when you should pay attention to the matter.

techniques for public speaking

5. Prepare a presentation

Supporting material, a presentation, diagrams, graphs and anything else that can help you speak in public will help you to have more confidence. Without a doubt, speaking in public can be a gift, but that doesn't mean that this skill can be learned or developed over time and with practice.

There are people who rehearse their speech in front of a mirror, others record themselves or perform it in front of people they know, such as family and friends, so they can get their opinion. All of this comes from what you want, how you feel comfortable.

The important thing about support material is to make presentations that are not so loaded, or can be distracting during your speech, these can help emphasize a topic, can allow spaces for guidelines, to call the audience's attention again or even give a touch of humor.

techniques for public speaking

6. Make eye contact with your audience

It is very important that you maintain eye contact with all your audience, you must give the same treatment to all participants, even if you see someone concentrating on what you are saying, you must direct your gaze to the others.

We recommend that you use the lighthouse gaze and observe each person in your audience. If the space is very large, you can address them by sectors, but don't forget about eye contact. It is very important to establish a relationship with your audience, and even more so if you want to capture their attention because they will leave a personalized and friendly treatment.


We offer you this FREE guide that will teach you how to use public speaking techniques that will make you more agile with your audience.

techniques for public speaking

7. Regulate your pace

One of the most important public speaking techniques is regulating your speed, tone and strength. If you practice a speech, let these aspects be free, so as not to always have the same rhythm that can become monotonous or even predictable. This is a big mistake when speaking in public.

You need to emphasize the most important points, make your point with strength and at a slow pace, leave pauses and moments of reflection for the audience. Bring your speech to life by controlling these aspects so you can notice the difference.

techniques for public speaking

8. Clarify the points you are going to discuss

The audience will always want to know what you are going to talk about, specify the order and repeat the title of the talk.

If you find yourself starting to go off topic, go back to the beginning. Repeat the topic again, and continue. It is very helpful to have an outline of your presentation so you can guide yourself, set the timing, and remind your audience of the points you have already discussed and the ones that follow.

techniques for public speaking

9. Tell a story

The speech can be structured in the form of a story with the help of the Storytelling tool that has been used in recent years by advertising and marketing to establish a real connection with its audience. We all like a good story. These types of tools have made the audience feel connected, they identify with it and can make the experience even more personal.

The most important thing about these public speaking techniques is that they are original. Everything you say has to be true, that they give value to the speech and fit in with what you have to say.

techniques for public speaking

10. Close with an ending that stands out

While your pace of attention in your speech will vary throughout the length of your speech, you want to start strong to grab your audience's attention, because this is the first thing they will remember, and the second most important thing should be the ending. So you should save the second best thing for last, and you can guarantee that they will remember your closing or exit.

Apply these techniques to work on your public speaking. Many of these are used by professionals who have been dedicated to public speaking for years and who perfectly handle each aspect to be successful. Remember that you must reinforce these techniques, learn and apply the knowledge.

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