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6 Healthy Habits You Should Put Into Practice


Jerotshi Cáceres |

Following healthy habits means living in the best possible way and taking care of your health to achieve greater well-being. This means adopting habits that can allow you to enjoy a better quality of life, avoiding the development of diseases and health complications.

Healthy habits will help you feel and live better. You should establish a daily routine with new habits to help you feel better about yourself and these habits will keep you energized and more active.

If you are interested in learning about the importance of a healthy life, you can read our post to learn a little more about the benefits of acquiring healthy habits . The most important thing is to promote a healthy life at every stage of your life, this will help you improve your life expectancy and avoid the risk of suffering from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular problems and cancer. In addition, if you want to start acquiring healthy habits, we recommend that you start with the following:

Healthy habits you should start today:

1. Healthy eating, healthy living

Eating a balanced diet will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. To do this, you must include all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your body, foods that provide vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Remember that we are what we eat, therefore, everything we do daily will have an impact on our health in the future. The important thing is to follow a diet that is sustainable over time, it is not about following strict diets, and prohibiting foods (unless you have an allergy or special condition). We must enjoy eating, it is a pleasure that we should not take away from ourselves and much less frustrate this necessary act for the body.

We must go to a specialist to carry out the plan we want, or the objectives we have, for example: weight loss. Focus on your objectives and add nutrition to the list of the 6 healthy habits you should put into practice.


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2. Exercise regularly

Without a doubt, besides diet, the quintessential habit of a healthy lifestyle is exercise. This activity provides many benefits to help you feel good. Exercising will help reduce stress levels and increase your endurance, strength and balance.

The WHO recommends doing between 150 and 300 minutes of exercise per week. You can choose the one you like the most, such as running, swimming, dancing, playing sports or going to the gym. Ideally, you should do an activity that you like, but if you don't, you could fall into a routine and get bored.

3. Sleep the daily hours

Sleep regulates our body, which is why it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting enough sleep. It has been proven that sleeping well increases motivation and willpower to carry out our daily activities.

A rested mind allows memory to function well and increases creativity, and it also strengthens the immune system to protect you from viruses and germs. Sleep also helps strengthen neural connections and benefits memory.

It also protects the heart, and stress and tension levels are regulated during sleep, helping to regulate circulation and tension. It even helps regulate serotonin and melanin, substances that make us happy.


We put at your disposal this completely FREE guide with tips that will help you put into practice a healthy lifestyle from the diet

4. Learn to handle stressful situations

Stress is a factor that can affect your health. Stressful situations generate physical and emotional tension that affects the way the brain and body respond to demands. Stress can trigger a whole series of problems related to insomnia, depression, sadness and even chronic diseases.

What you need to do is learn to control these episodes of stress in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. The first thing you need to do is identify what is causing you stress. Doing something to relieve tension can be a relaxing activity, meditation, yoga, a sport or exercise. Learn to control yourself in these moments and adopt a different attitude towards the situations that are causing you stress.

5. Enjoy your social life

If you want to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, you must largely enjoy your surroundings, and this includes social activities and relationships. Sharing time with the people closest to you and enjoying the moment can increase your satisfaction levels, which will promote healthy behaviors and positive relationships with the people around you.

Therefore, this will benefit your health and self-esteem, and increase your quality of life. Participating in social activities, attending events, being part of a meeting with friends, enjoying a coffee, going out for a bite to eat or having a few drinks - all of these activities that mean getting out of your routine, having fun and giving you pleasure - will be a fundamental part of your healthy lifestyle routines.

6. Maintain a healthy body weight

Controlling your body weight will help you maintain good health. The key is to follow all of the above habits, eat healthy, sleep well and have an exercise routine to regulate your weight. Remember that it is not just about being overweight, you should also be aware of being underweight.

Remember that being thin doesn't mean you're a healthy person, you have to be within your established range and also try to regulate your sleep hours. All these actions will help you reduce the risk of suffering from chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer or high blood pressure.

Courses that may interest you

Do you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle? We recommend some courses that could help you improve your quality of life: Mindfulness and Wellbeing: Revolutionize your Company, Assertive Communication and Wellbeing and Positive Psychology.