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5 tips to strengthen your self-esteem


Jerotshi Cáceres |

Our self-esteem can be affected by various reasons, whether it be due to a personal or work-related problem. That is why it is very important that you have some tools and tips to strengthen your self-esteem.

Before starting with the tips to strengthen your self-esteem , it is important to define what it means. Self-esteem is the perception we have of ourselves, in a subjective opinion that is created from the feelings, thoughts, sensations and experiences we have in our relationship with ourselves. We believe we are attractive or not, we consider ourselves intelligent or not, we like ourselves or not.

It is then the set of impressions that we have been collecting throughout our lives, we can have a positive feeling about ourselves or, on the contrary, be dissatisfied with who we are.

From a young age we form a concept of ourselves, which varies depending on our experiences and expectations, and this will shape our opinion of ourselves, whether we feel good about ourselves or, on the contrary, dissatisfied.

At this stage, we lay the foundations for our self-esteem, which is why the first years of life are so important. From this age, children are able to judge themselves, compare themselves and create expectations about themselves, following social patterns or the expectations that they believe they should meet.

This concept that we have of ourselves has been learned from what we have around us, the evaluations we make of our behavior and the internalization of the opinion of others regarding us. This means that self-esteem is influenced by the context.

The most important thing about self-esteem is that it drives us to act, to move forward and motivates us to achieve our goals. For this reason, we want to give you 5 tips to strengthen your self-esteem.

We all need to work on our self-esteem, because if we don't believe in ourselves, no one else will. One of its main characteristics is that it is not innate, but rather developed, so we can work on it to try to develop high self-esteem, instead of low self-esteem.

strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem


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How to strengthen your self-esteem?

People with low self-esteem are not able to see their qualities, they will probably separate themselves from the people around them, stop trying new things and facing other things for fear of not achieving something they believe they are not capable of achieving and this will make them feel insecure in their daily life.

We present you 5 tips to strengthen your self-esteem and have greater security:

1. The origin of your low self-esteem

The first thing to do is to look for and find the origin of your low self-esteem. We must start by looking inside and finding the causes of our fears and insecurities. You must ask yourself the reason for a certain attitude, until you get to the cause, for example: Why don't I go to the job interview? Because I won't be selected. Why do I think I won't be selected? Because I'm not suitable for the position. Why am I not suitable for the position? Because when I was little, they scolded me and told me that I wouldn't be able to achieve anything in life. That's where your low self-esteem comes from.

2. Try, even if you fail

The worst enemy of self-esteem is doing nothing. Always staying in your comfort zone, because that's where you feel safe, will not make your self-esteem improve. You must face what you fear, because in this way your self-esteem will increase.

Avoiding facing what scares you is the simplest, quickest and easiest way out, but this will not help you move forward to have more confidence in yourself. It's that simple.

strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem strengthen your self-esteem

3. Replace your goals with values

Always focus on your values ​​and not just on your goals. The process to achieve a goal is important, because that is where you put all your effort, perseverance, improvement, sacrifice and the will to do things.

If you waste all of this simply for the result of something, without giving space to all the previous effort, then you will not be working on your self-esteem. You should be proud of what you have achieved regardless of the result.

4. Find your strengths

Strengths are those qualities, characteristics or strong points that we have. That is, those things that we are particularly good at. The problem with people with low self-esteem is that they are not able to identify them, because they do not feel that they have been able to achieve certain things. If you want to put into practice finding your strengths:

Start by thinking about 5 achievements you have made: finishing school, moving out on your own, learning a language, etc. Then think about the positive characteristics that are necessary to achieve this, for example: initiative, perseverance, etc. These characteristics that you listed are your strengths.

5. Think positive

Building self-esteem through self-talk by a person with high self-esteem is kind, compassionate and comforting. However, people with low self-esteem tend to constantly criticize, punish and demand of themselves without recognizing their achievements.

What you need to do is detect these harmful and self-destructive thoughts about yourself and question them in order to change them for more realistic and objective ones. Can you justify it or is it just an injustice on your part towards yourself?

If you can gain control over those thoughts that tend to be negative, and turn them into positive thoughts, you can help yourself improve and strengthen your self-esteem.


Learn about the most effective techniques to generate positive emotions and know your strengths and virtues.

Final Tips

You need to work on pushing your fears away. It's not about blocking them out or distracting your mind, but rather, you need to really separate yourself from those fears. Just because you have a negative thought doesn't mean it's going to happen. It's your mind sabotaging itself and you need to face the issue so you don't get overwhelmed.

Another important practice is to have self-compassion or learn to forgive ourselves. If you are not so hard on others, why would you be so hard on yourself? It is about paying attention to what you have achieved and allowing yourself to take a break and then move forward.

The most common exercise is to treat yourself as you would a friend, talk to yourself as if you were giving advice to someone else, instead of punishing yourself, practice words of encouragement and comfort, your self-esteem will surely thank you.

We hope to help you with these 5 tips to strengthen your self-esteem . Remember that you must think a little more outward, stop criticizing yourself and be more compassionate. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to walk the path towards self-knowledge and being able to strengthen the perception you have of yourself.

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