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5 Habits to Develop Your Creativity to the Maximum


Jerotshi Cáceres |

If you have to use your creativity on a daily basis and you always wonder how to increase it, keep reading to learn how to apply these 5 habits to develop your creativity to the maximum, to be a more observant and sensitive person and learn to connect with your ideas.

Creativity is like a muscle, it must be developed and you can achieve this by incorporating a series of habits that will allow you to explore your own creativity and incorporate exercises that allow you to expand it. Just like a muscle, you must always put it into practice so that it does not atrophy.

We are all creative, some more than others, but we all have the ability to create new ideas, be ingenious and they occur when solving a problem. Ideas can be artistic, or they can be related to trying to solve a problem, because being creative is not limited only to the artistic, creativity is needed for many other aspects of our lives.

Creativity as we grow can be repressed by many factors, especially by aesthetic and social impositions. For example, when we are young children we draw without any kind of judgement or values, but when we grow up we start to repress ourselves for fear of not belonging or fitting into certain standards, especially when we talk about ideas. This can lead us to repress ourselves from doing certain things, or risk developing our creative potential to the fullest.

How to increase your creativity?

In this article we break down the following habits to increase your creativity:

1. Take time to think

Creativity, contrary to what we think, can follow an order and structure, for this reason the first habit is to take time to think. You must dedicate a few hours a day if you want to increase your creativity, and for this you must reflect on the ideas you have.

2. Paper and pencil: Write down your ideas

The time you take to think of ideas every day should also be used to write them down. The best way to do this is to write them down without judging whether they are good or bad, simply write down the first thing that comes to mind.

After writing down all your ideas, you should put them aside for 24-48 hours and reread them. Once these ideas have settled, you can analyze each one to see if your idea solves a problem, does so in an innovative way, and whether you have the necessary resources.

If your idea answers these three questions, then go ahead, but if on the other hand, after thinking about your ideas, you don't like one, you can discard it and take advantage of the ideas with more potential. Of course, never discard a good idea, just try to reformulate it.


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3. Look for inspiration

Creativity, as we have mentioned before, is a capacity, and it has the characteristic of being able to develop. For this, you must seek inspiration. Where do you look for inspiration?

Practically anywhere, you just have to connect with what is around you, from landscapes, a reading, a movie, etc.

If you think that doing these activities takes you away from your ideas or goals, on the contrary, when you least expect it, an idea from a dialogue in a movie or series comes to mind, you find something beautiful and inspiring in a landscape when you went on vacation and thus, without realizing it, you found the spark you were missing to connect with that idea you had in mind.

4. Connect with artistic activities

Another way to unlock creativity is to do some activity that stimulates our brain, beyond the work we do every day. Connect with music, paint even if you are not good at it, or if writing is your thing and you feel comfortable with that, you can do it too. The idea is to let yourself be carried away by your emotions and sensations, connecting with other parts of your brain so that creativity can develop.

5. Clear your mind

But how will not thinking about ideas help me? Sometimes it is necessary not to think about anything to let new ideas in, because we are constantly thinking about everything we have pending and we do not give entry to other thoughts. Although this may seem contradictory, it is very true.


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There are studies that show that spending a few minutes a day meditating stimulates creativity. It is about relaxing, resting and disconnecting the mind from the amount of noise that is made during the day.

This will help you concentrate and therefore increase your creativity . All you need is 10 minutes a day to meditate and clear your mind. Place yourself in a pleasant environment, light a candle or incense to let the present flow and appreciate it.

Now, with these 5 habits you can begin to awaken your creativity, just put them into practice and start to see the results.

If you want to know a little more about this last topic we mentioned, meditation and its benefits for developing creativity, you can read our blog post dedicated to Mindfulness Meditation , a great tool, which among its advantages is helping you think about the here and now.

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