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How does emotional intelligence influence your company?


Romina Iaconelli |

In 1974 , the American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger introduced the term burnout to refer to the feeling of exhaustion, disappointment and loss of interest in work activity that occurs in people due to the daily wear and tear of their work.

Given this situation, what we call emotional intelligence arises, which became popular in 1995 thanks to the psychologistDaniel Goleman , who popularized his book Emotional Intelligence , which explains very well the importance of emotions to understand human relationships and the success of people who know how to relate, both personally and in the workplace.

Of course, what you learn by reading the book will not only be useful in your daily life as a scrum master or coach , but you will be able to apply it to practically any aspect of your life.

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What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person to use their own and others' emotions proactively, as a tool to guide their thoughts, actions that will allow them to improve reasoning and decision-making. On the other hand, intelligence means the mind's ability to learn, reason, analyze and make decisions. In the case of emotional intelligence, it is that ability, but to understand feelings and what happens to them. In addition, it allows one to have self-control of emotions , a necessary faculty to maintain links with others and behave in a socially acceptable way.

Now, the fusion between emotional intelligence and intelligence allows a person to have a better quality of life, a higher level of self-knowledge and better empathy with the world around them.

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We provide you with this guide with the most relevant terms of emotional intelligence that will help you in your personal development.

How does emotional intelligence influence your company?

If we count a certain number of employees, the ideal is that each one of them has a role and tasks assigned according to their capacities, skills, abilities and competencies, however, it may happen that this does not happen as it should be developed, since in the absence of abilities or skills that allow a better performance, the employee could have difficulties and obstacles to develop and carry out their tasks in an effective way.

Not having the ability to understand and manage emotions can cause personal problems that directly influence a person's work tasks. Stress, anxiety, social isolation, low tolerance for frustration, problems working in a team, difficulty concentrating and mental blocks are just some of the facts and variables that can occur.

But now, what happens if our employees have a good command of emotional intelligence? People will be able to carry out their activities, tasks and responsibilities while maintaining good performance, as well as motivation, well-being and job satisfaction.

This is possible because emotional intelligence contributes to the implementation of strategies that prioritize the benefit of the human talent that makes up an organization.

Effective emotional management significantly influences well-being, satisfaction, motivation and productivity, giving your employees an optimal and appropriate work environment, which makes it easier for them to perceive that, in your company, they can achieve growth, both professionally and personally, where their learning is not only limited to the work environment, but also positively influences various social situations, making work dynamics a primary and necessary activity.

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emotional intelligence in your company

Characteristics of emotional intelligence in your company

According to studies by experts such as Doris Martin and Karin Boeck, they identified a couple of characteristics on the subject of emotional intelligence:

1. Recognize your own emotions

Appreciate and name your own emotions. People who know why they feel a certain way and how they feel are able to manage their emotions, control them and organize them consciously.

2. Knowing how to manage your own emotions

Although emotions cannot be switched off or avoided, a person has the ability to direct, control and manage emotional reactions, replacing innate and primary behavior with forms of behavior already learned in society.

3. Use existing potential

An IQ alone is not enough to achieve good results in meeting the objectives of the assigned competencies; other good skills are also necessary, such as perseverance, motivation, being able to overcome frustrations or failures and having self-confidence.

4. Put yourself in someone else's shoes

Emotional communication does not need to be verbal, it is a willingness to listen, understand the thoughts and feelings of others.

5. Establish interpersonal relationships

A good relationship with those around us depends on our ability to create and cultivate relationships, to resolve personal conflicts and to pick up on the moods of others. These emotional qualities can be learned and developed through the effort to consciously pick up on one's own emotions and those of others.

Ultimately, neither IQ nor university degrees, nor the position you or your employees hold, fully determine a person's professionalism, but rather emotional intelligence, which is highly leveraged and related to mindfulness .

Do you want to learn how to manage your emotions and apply it to the workplace, whether you are an employee or your own company? We have an upcoming Emotional Intelligence course for you.

emotional intelligence in your company emotional intelligence in your company emotional intelligence in your company emotional intelligence in your company

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