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Revolutionize your company with Mindfulness


Romina Iaconelli |

The environment in which work environments are developed directly impacts employees. It is important to keep in mind that thoughts and emotions are not separate activities in the mind, so when an event impacts the emotional state of a worker, the ability to reason clearly is interrupted.

Positive emotions help achieve goals, while negative emotions have the opposite effect. Therefore, employee well-being plays an important role, and this has been a challenge for the Human Resources or Human Talent area, as it is also known. Finding reliable methods that reinforce human management of personnel is an essential task for the well-being of your company at work.

As we mentioned in previous articles, about the 7 benefits of mindfulness that you should know , we can affirm that incorporating this technique in companies and organizations will allow us to improve the work environment and people's performance.

Revolutionize your company with mindfulness

Just as in personal life, in the workplace it is also essential to create a state of awareness and peace, free of prejudice and focused on the here and now. Below we mention 9 benefits of mindfulness, according to a investigation Made by students from the University of Lima, Peru, that will revolutionize your company:

1. Productivity in the execution of tasks

Having a relaxed, focused, happy and satisfied team with their work team, with your company, with the work environment itself, ensures the performance and productivity of tasks and the fulfillment of objectives.

2. Increases motivation and energy

The energy that moves us is motivation, it is what is behind behavior and helps us achieve our goals. Motivation is subject to results, meaning that as things go well, we will be more determined to achieve the goal. Practicing mindfulness requires perseverance and makes us act to be able to achieve these goals.

3. Develop creativity

By increasing self-awareness, we can notice the interpretations we make of the world, expanding our vision to new ways of seeing reality. By reducing stress and increasing positive mood, it indirectly increases creativity.

Revolutionize your company with Mindfulness Revolutionize your company with Mindfulness Revolutionize your company with Mindfulness Revolutionize your company with Mindfulness


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4. Improved decision making

Mindfulness helps improve decision-making by providing the necessary perspective to move away from our own orientation and preferences.

5. Reduce stress

Stress is a completely natural thing, which puts us in a state of alert. Mindfulness helps to identify stressors, calming the mind and keeping it in the present, not in the past or future. It provides clarity and the ability to influence the environment that exists.

6. Resilience

Resilience is the talent to confront setbacks and failures, get up and emerge victorious from them. In the workplace, it is crucial to remain resilient to face the situations that arise and to continue seeking to achieve goals.

Mindfulness provides the ability to separate experiences and emotions, allowing us to accept negative emotions without trying to avoid them or react to them reactively.

7. Increase positive emotions

Mindfulness training boosts positive emotions by shifting the strategy from denial or avoidance to acceptance.


We offer you this completely FREE guide so you can learn the best Mindfulness techniques.

8.Teamwork and conflict management

Establishing positive relationships is important for a team to perform well. Good personal relationships prevent stress, creating more productive and efficient teams. Mindfulness therefore favours teamwork as it increases self-awareness, awareness of others, and develops empathy.

On the other hand, mindfulness helps to have greater emotional order and flexibility in solutions.

9. Improve leadership skills

Mindfulness is beneficial for middle and senior management in a company because it helps them to be more aware, emotionally intelligent and helps them to relate better with the rest of the team. It inspires a shared vision and greater self-confidence.

Do you want to have the necessary tools to apply mindfulness in your personal life and in your company? We invite you to take our Mindfulness and Wellbeing course: Revolutionize your company with mindfulness.

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