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What is Facebook Ads for?


Romina Iaconelli |

As we all know, Facebook is one of the most used social networks in the world, followed by Instagram and Tik Tok. That is why, today, it has become a wonderful channel to promote products or services and make them more visible. And how? Through its famous Facebook Ads platform.

This tool has become one of the most powerful in digital marketing, as it allows you to get new clients by correctly promoting your Facebook page.

What is Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is an advertising system used to promote both a page created on Facebook and external services. With it, it is possible to sell and promote a product in a simple way. With a small budget, you can reach a wide and segmented audience. Through this, you can achieve a very high return on investment.

It is advisable to run an Ads campaign under a good marketing strategy to obtain better results. It is also advisable to optimize it every day to obtain better performance and greater benefits.

Within Facebook Ads it is common to find terms such as targeting and retargeting .

Targeting refers to the audience you want to reach. This has to do with certain characteristics, such as age, sex, geographic location, etc. This process is called segmentation.

On the other hand, retargeting would be putting yourself back in front of those users who have already seen us through Facebook ads.

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Now, what is Facebook Ads for?

This function has several functionalities, which we briefly describe below:

* Sale of products and services

This could be the main objective of Facebook Ads , in which the initial purpose will be to take the user directly to the landing page .

* Lead generation

Here, the user is also taken to a landing page , but not to capture the client's sale, but to obtain that person's contact information to decide, through a strategy, whether they will be taken to an e-mail marketing list or a sales funnel.

* Traffic Generation and SEO

It allows you to get prices per click at a low price. Generating traffic at such low prices means a great advantage, since you can generate visits to certain pages so that they are shared on social networks. This will generate positive effects for SEO , since the links will arrive faster and Google will perceive that page as a site with more movement. Therefore, it is important to choose very carefully the pages to which you want to drive traffic and multiply the return on your investment.

* Branding

Branding is the process of building a brand. In that sense, the intention is to put out a positive message related to the brand and get people to remember it. The goal is exposure to the maximum number of appropriate people .

How to Optimize Facebook Ads?

Organize Campaigns and Ad Groups Well

Search campaigns are based on creating ad groups and keywords, which have to do with interests, related to each other. That is, each ad group will have to be headed by a specific keyword along with its possible variations. Let's remember that managing a good structure is the key to any Ads campaign.

Review the quality level of words and landing pages

Sometimes our ads can be penalized for various factors. To prevent this from happening, it is important to review the quality level of the keywords . Therefore, we must look at the score that Google Ads gives our set of ads out of 10 based on 3 variables: the expected click ratio, relevance of the ad and experience on the destination page.

It is also important to review the content of the landing page of our campaigns. This will depend on:

✅ Relevant, original and useful content.

✅ Easy navigation.

✅ Fast charging time.

It is essential that the landing page is SEO optimized. Otherwise, no matter how many impressions we receive on our ad, or how high the click-through rate is, we will not achieve the desired objective.


If you want to know more, download our free Ebook Facebook Ads: Advanced Strategies and enjoy learning with all the information we have for you. Discover the secret of winning campaigns on Facebook Ads.

Select relevant location and interests

We already mentioned that the main objective of applying a Facebook Ads campaign is to take into account the interests that bring traffic to the destination page so that they generate conversions.

For this reason, it is recommended to optimize the budget to be used as much as possible, correctly locating the keywords . If we discover interests and locations from which we have not obtained impressions, or the conversion is very low, we will have to eliminate them. In this way, we will give the opportunity to new keywords, until we find those that do generate quality leads.

Allocate a reasonable budget

First of all, it is important to define the budget well. Once we have that, we have to take part of it for the test campaign, in which the creativity of the image or video, the copy and the cost per lead play a fundamental role. When all these points are well established, we can establish a budget for each campaign.

Courses that may interest you

Do you want to acquire more skills to dominate the world of SEO Positioning? We recommend our courses on Facebook and Instagram Ads, Sales and Persuasion Techniques and Sales Funnel.