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Most common mistakes in Facebook Ads


Romina Iaconelli |

Facebook Ads has become a very powerful tool, but we often make many mistakes when it comes to our campaigns.

Although Facebook Ads is a fairly intuitive tool, there are several tricks that should be taken into account to avoid falling into these most common mistakes.

Of course, practice makes perfect, so it doesn't hurt to know in advance some of the mistakes we often make when promoting on Facebook.

Most common mistakes in Facebook Ads

1. Ignoring the Buyer Persona

The ideal client figure, or buyer persona , is the idealization of the characteristics of your audience. This information can be obtained through surveys or forms. With this, you will have a database with which you can extract the common interests of your target audience.

Skipping this step will result in campaigns that will not gain public acceptance and, therefore, lose profitability. Avoiding this mistake is very easy if we study our potential customers.

2. Not setting goals

Not defining the goals you want to achieve with your ads is one of the main mistakes that are made and is the key point when establishing the strategy.

There are many goals that you can set, and they are also different from each other, so different actions are required for each case.

Some examples are:

⚡Do you want to sell or gain brand recognition?

⚡ Are you looking to get leads or interactions on your fanpage?

If you don't know what you want to achieve with a Facebook Ads campaign, it won't get you anywhere. It's important to determine what the performance indicators or KPIs will be.

3. Not Segmenting

This is another of the most common mistakes made with Facebook Ads . Creating an ad that targets all kinds of people is a huge mistake, since it won't be as efficient as you want. The key to correct segmentation is to study your potential customers beforehand. This will make it clearer who they are and will make your job easier.

Let's take an example of an e-commerce that sells shoes for adult women. If you don't apply correct segmentation, the ads will be shown to men and young people, which is clearly not the target audience for this sector, so you will be wasting money and time. Segment according to the most important characteristics of your audience, such as age, sex, geographic area, etc.

4. Posting Untested Ads

Getting people on Facebook is not as easy as we think, as trends are varied and there is a lot of competition in the market. Therefore, you cannot afford to make an ad that does not work. This could affect the brand's reputation. This is how we come to preliminary tests with alternatives such as A/B or multivariate tests. It is preferable to publish a few ads that are effective, instead of promoting many that will not get you anywhere. Remember that less is more .


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5. Not Applying CTA

CTAs , or Call to Action, are buttons that lead viewers to take an action to enter your sales funnel . That action can be a small tab to obtain more information, or an invitation to register or buy. If you don't add a Call to Action, they will see your ads and nothing will happen, you will be attracting your audience in vain.

6. Using bad Audiovisual Material

The quality of the audiovisual material you use says a lot about the professionalism of your brand. Therefore, it is important that you make sure to combine the images or videos you use very well, as well as the texts that will complement your ads. You should always use high-resolution resources without watermarks. Locate the CTAs you consider necessary and use a color combination that matches your brand's branding .

7. Don't adapt it Make it Responsive

Most Facebook users access the platform from their mobile devices. Therefore, if your ad is only tailored to be viewed from the web, you will be losing a significant number of potential leads.

Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the ads to all formats. This is known as Responsive Web Design .

This way, your ad will adapt to all screen sizes and formats, from computers to smartphones and tablets.


If you want to know more, download our free Facebook Ads Ebook: Learn to Advertise and enjoy learning with all the information we have for you. Learn how to advertise on Facebook and reach thousands of customers at the lowest possible cost per result.

8. Having a Bad Landing Page

A landing page is the web page that people go to when they click on the ad.

Therefore, if you have a landing page that is not properly optimized, your potential customer will leave the page and you will have lost the conversion. To prevent this from happening, make sure that your landing page includes all the correct information so that people reach the desired final conversion.

9. Ignore the Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel is a great tool that works to monitor and analyze the actions on your landing page , as well as the traffic generated by your Facebook Ads campaign.

With this tool you can find out what type of campaigns work best, what format gives the best results, and how should you communicate with your audience?

10. Don't Try Retargeting

Retargeting is a tool that allows you to create ads tailored to users who showed interest in your website but did not convert.

For example, when we see an ad related to content you've liked or shared, that's retargeting or remarketing.

We all make mistakes when creating Facebook Ads campaigns, but keeping these 10 most common mistakes in mind will help you launch much more efficient ads.

If you have already swum in the waters of Facebook Ads, our Facebook Ads: Advanced Strategies course will surely be very useful to you.

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