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Reasons Why You Should Humanize Your Brand Through a Character


Romina Iaconelli |

Brands should aim to humanize their brand through a character that represents it. This character is created to give strength to the image and visual identity .

Sometimes it can take the form of an animal, which is called a brand mascot, but it can also be shaped like a fruit or an imaginary creature. In general, it tends to imitate the behavioural characteristics of a human being.

Whatever form it takes, we will be able to identify the company at first glance . The “ mascot ” helps to personify the company, making it more human.

Over time, consumers tend to feel attached to the character, so little by little, it gains strength until it becomes a key element of your brand's popularity. It can become the DNA of your company, as is the case with the friendly Michelin or the Zucaritas tiger.

It is important to note that, in a certain way, the use of this advertising strategy is very directed at children, who tend to be more easily influenced.

Reasons Why You Should Humanize Your Brand

1. Create a more positive image

The goal of a character is to increase the popularity of your brand by providing another perspective of the company. In addition, it provides a friendly, familiar and close touch .

Cartoon characters are often chosen to achieve proximity with the consumer.

An important point to highlight is to highlight the smile , this is essential. It is not the same to see a stuffed animal that attracts us for its tenderness, than an adorable little panda that smiles with affection. That is where empathy is part of the resources.


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2. A Valuable Tool

Keep in mind that creating a character is an additional distinctive symbol for your brand.

It is usually easier to remember the face or silhouette of a character than the name of a brand.

On the other hand, the adoption of this character will allow you to create graphic, visual and dynamic material, with a direct language that makes it even easier to memorize the advertising character and the impact it generates in its communication.

3. Your Brand Spokesperson

Transmitting a message through a character makes it more relevant. We can have a better perception of advertising messages if they are given by an innocent figure who inspires confidence . In this way, it is not your brand who speaks but a friendly intermediary whom we tend to trust more.

This representative allows for greater proximity to customers. As we mentioned above, your brand's character will increase your customers' trust.

Because of this proximity, there is the possibility of using simpler and more direct language. Thanks to this, your message will have more impact and will be easier to remember.

The brand character will be your true spokesperson and will allow you to change the traditional roles between your brand and the consumer, adding an indispensable factor that creates attachment and trust .


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4. The Children's Audience

Children are more easily influenced, so a character like a pet stimulates their imagination. It becomes a real friend and is considered a cartoon hero. Over time, this character becomes embedded in the collective unconscious of a generation.

Advertising characters are also considered a segmentation tool that allows you to focus on a specific target. An example of this is superheroes, which are usually designed for an audience between 4 and 8 years old.

Animated mascot characters are used as a reference in some sections of supermarkets. For example, the cereal brand Kellogs has various characters such as the tiger from Zucaritas , the rooster from Corn Flakes or the colorful toucan from Froot Loops . And just like that, there are various brands with their character or mascot. This makes them very easy to recognize in the different sections of the supermarket.


The Character's Personality

The personality of the character or mascot is very important. It is the one who will represent your brand and communicate part of your values. Therefore, defining how it will communicate, how it will act and what its personality will be like is very important.

Making the mascot not follow the classic editorial line of the brand is a good way to show that it exists for its own sake, and that will increase its sympathy among consumers.

Your character should be shown to have a kind and fun personality, but sometimes this is not enough to make him stand out. One solution to this could be to add a small physical or moral defect, which makes him different and original.

One key that could work very well for you is to make it humorous, which will make the public want to see your brand spokesperson again in future ads. This has been done by big brands like Oasis, Orangina or M&M's.

In conclusion, creating a character for your brand will allow you to move away from the corporate image and humanize it.

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