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The Importance of Customer Service


Jerotshi Cáceres |

Customer service is about understanding the public, responding to their needs and offering a complete and pleasant experience. Nowadays, users consider that the experience offered by brands is as important as the quality of their products or services.

People are looking for customer service that meets their needs, which is why brands must focus on developing and improving customer service to establish a closer and more stable relationship. In addition, we must convey the brand's values ​​in each conversation, fulfill what we promise and show the ability to respond to any questions or problems.

Offering good customer service will make the difference in your business, for this reason it is necessary to understand the importance of customer service to improve this process in your company.

What is customer service?

Customer service is the way a company treats its customers before, during, or after a purchase. Customer service duties include answering questions, solving problems, and listening to opinions.

The important thing about this process is to stay aligned with the company's values ​​and policy, to transmit confidence and increase brand awareness. It is therefore about the treatment of a brand towards its public and from this arose that a client chooses the products or services offered.

What is the importance of customer service?

Customer service is the relationship that a brand establishes with its customers, therefore, like any other relationship, it requires attention, knowing how to listen and respond quickly and accurately. If the customer came to your brand, it is because they trust your company and you can help them solve their problem.

If, on the other hand, the customer receives poor treatment, he or she may change his or her products or services to another brand that establishes a better relationship and treatment. This means that you would be losing customers due to poor management. Focusing on providing good customer service is vital to differentiate yourself from the competition, build customer loyalty and create a competitive advantage.

If you are recognized for excellent customer service, you can become a reference and make a difference. Most of the time, customers value good service more than the product or service they want to buy. Your product or service may not be the best on the market, but if you provide good customer service, they will most likely buy from you again, unlike a brand that has a better-positioned product or service, but the comments regarding customer service are terrible.

Customers are not only looking to buy a product or service, but the entire purchasing experience must be satisfactory, from the first contact, the help you can provide in the process and the solution to their problems. This relationship of trust and transparency is what is most valued and gives weight to customers.


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Characteristics of customer service

Before making a commercial strategy for customer service , it is necessary to take into account the basic characteristics. The first thing is to know your consumers, establish communication channels and define the communication approach.

1. Empathy

Brands need to put themselves in their customers' shoes, understand how they feel and show that they are interested in solving their problems. You need to let the customer know how important they are to your brand, listen to them and offer a good experience. And to do this, you need to establish a more personal and empathetic relationship.

You need to maintain a balance, because being too friendly can be invasive and the customer may become distrustful. Therefore, you must first get to know the customer, understand their behavior, and create possible scenarios to provide them with the appropriate help.

2. Close interactions

Close and genuine interactions can help us to provide better customer service. The important thing is to give the customer a real experience, to be empathetic and to show at all times that we care about what they have to say.

Every day, users are looking for more personal experiences, where they can identify exactly what they want in a first contact. For this reason, it is essential to take care of our communication with the client, using the appropriate tone for the brand, to establish long-lasting relationships.

If you want to know more, download our free Account Manager Ebook: Connect with your clients and enjoy learning with all the information we have for you. Learn how to manage the most important accounts of a company.


If you want to know more, download our free Account Manager Ebook: Connect with your clients and enjoy learning with all the information we have for you. Learn how to manage the most important accounts of a company.

3. Don't waste your client's time

The response time influences the relationship with the client, because nobody likes to wait hours for a service that ends without giving an answer or solution to our problems. You must ensure the speed of your responses, because it is essential to maintain quality and a good image of your brand.

If you reduce response time, this can increase satisfaction levels. In addition to providing good service, you will benefit the company's internal processes, because you can serve a larger volume of customers in a shorter response time. If you want to improve your service times, try working on:

Don't make the customer wait.

✅ Avoid messages that are too long, to do this you must be concise.

✅ Try to be as clear and precise as possible.

4. Personalize your messages

The more you differentiate yourself from the competition, the better. You should provide an experience that invites the customer to contact you again and come to you every time they need to solve their problem. Personalizing your treatment of your customers will help you improve the experience.

Customers value communication with your brand, so you can't talk to everyone in the same way, because not everyone is at the same stage, some have bought from you before and know your process. You can't treat it as if it were the first time they contacted you, for this you need to follow up, so people will be understood and heard.

We hope we have helped you determine the importance of customer service for your business. Keep these characteristics in mind to provide better service and stand out in the market.

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