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10 Best Sales Trends (2022)


Jerotshi Cáceres |

The year 2020 marked a before and after in the way we relate to each other, it conditioned us on a professional and personal level. It also marked a new paradigm for companies.

A very rapid and abrupt change occurred in which companies had to adapt. These changes were focused on the sales area. It became evident that many businesses were not digitalized, and face-to-face work was essential for their operation.

Since this year, there have also been changes in consumer behavior, and the relationships they previously established with companies have completely changed, their consumption habits and everything has had to be reformulated to adapt to the new demands of the market. For this reason, very few companies were able to reach their sales targets this year.

Now, after two years, after adapting to a changing market, new needs and paradigms, all this was consolidated in 2021, but what happens in 2022? Once we have settled down a bit, after the global health crisis, we can now reveal some of the sales trends that have been developing in the months so far in 2022.

While 2021 was a year of adaptation, this year has seen new challenges and possible scenarios to which companies must adapt. Take note of the trends that have been setting the tone this year.

Remote sales trends are here to stay

Remote work is a reality. Many companies realized that they did not need a physical space to operate, and this way of working skyrocketed in 2020. All of this was because companies had to find ways to continue their operations even during a pandemic.

All these changes led to the adaptation of the sales team, calls, video calls, etc. were reactivated, everything that allowed establishing an effective sales and communication channel. And although everyone thought it was something temporary, it turns out that it has been very beneficial and will continue to be implemented for a long time.

More and more businesses are opting for digital solutions to sign contracts and send payments, and this has brought a large number of advantages to sales channels: it brings with it greater efficiency, lower costs, and the possibility of reaching more potential customers or sales.

The advantages of working remotely have not only been a benefit for company departments, but also for consumers, many believe that it is easier, and more and more people prefer this modality.

This suggests that companies should work on improving their online experience, it is essential to have fast, quality service and you must be prepared because online sales are still relevant in 2022.


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Focus on personalized and relevant messages

Every day, customers are more informed, more demanding and expect personalized attention. Users want to feel unique, for you to dedicate your attention to serving them and providing them with information, so your communication must revolve around messages that resolve doubts and satisfy the needs of users, that is, you must be able to guarantee a good experience for your consumer.

Gone are the days of general messages used to sell, focus on your customers, their needs, desires and expectations about your products or services. Users know what is on the market, they know the available options, and for this reason you must stand out, offer good service, expand your online options, and improve the user experience.

You need to have a good understanding of your product or service, a wrong message or incorrect information can harm you. You must understand your business and the needs of your customers.

It is therefore necessary to know how your client behaves, whether they fill out the form, open the email, or when they visit your website. All of these are vital data to understand their behavior.

Increase your interactions

The trend for 2022 is to know and measure a person's interactions on social media, to understand your brand positioning and be able to connect with potential customers. This will help us find potential customers, build authentic relationships, and establish a reputation.

These actions require effort and perseverance, which is achieved by sharing valuable content, interacting with our clients, commenting on posts, sharing and having active conversations with our audience.

To do this, you must work on your own profile to improve and positively impact the way you interact with your clients.


If you want to know more, download our free Ebook Sales and persuasion techniques and enjoy learning with all the information we have for you. Learn how to achieve effective positioning of your brand and value proposition.

Videos are your best option

Video trends for sharing content are gaining prominence and are becoming more and more popular today. They show a more human, closer and empathetic side, therefore, they are used as sales tools. So, content that is more spontaneous, fun, and focused on your goals will be able to achieve a real rapprochement with your client.

Consumers are increasingly expecting this format, which means we need to adapt to our own way and how we feel most comfortable creating these videos and continuing to build user loyalty.

Chatbots for sales

Chatbots have become popular and have adapted very well to answer frequently asked questions and provide basic information. Implementing this type of tool can be very useful to answer frequently asked questions.

If you want to use this tool, you should carefully evaluate its correct implementation, in order to achieve the goal of having customer service agents spend more time on issues that provide more value. The implementation will ensure that users can move through the sales funnel, for this you must carefully analyze the questions that are most repeated, and have a quick and unique solution. For example: prices, frequently asked questions, payment conditions, shipping policies, etc.

We hope these 2022 trends help you boost your sales, since the pandemic and everything it brought about has driven a change to see the needs and turn them into an opportunity. Which of these sales trend strategies would you put into practice?

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