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Human Resources

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Human Resources

  • 3 Pasos para Convertirte en un Líder Efectivo

    3 Steps to Becoming an Effective Leader

    If you are one of those people in whom leadership runs through your veins, you are always in front of your team and you are the leader of the pack,...

    Romina Iaconelli

  • ¿Cómo Mejorar la  Comunicación Verbal en el Trabajo?

    How to Improve Verbal Communication at Work?

    Most of the time we tend to think that to have a good effective communication It is necessary to develop certain skills to transform our spaces and have a better influence on...

    Romina Iaconelli

  • Mentalidad de Crecimiento vs Mentalidad Fija

    Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

    Did you know that promoting a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset in your company develops new skills in employees? In addition to increasing productivity and achieving results,

    Romina Iaconelli

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