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The Challenges of AI in Financial Analysis

Los Desafíos de la IA en el Análisis Financiero

Jerotshi Cáceres |

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables the creation of systems capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and creativity. AI has great potential to transform the financial sector, offering innovative solutions to improve efficiency, security, personalization and competitiveness.

Financial analysis is one of the areas where AI can provide added value, by allowing large amounts of data to be processed and analysed quickly and accurately, identifying patterns and trends, generating predictions and recommendations, and optimising decision-making.

However, the application of AI in financial analysis also poses a number of challenges that must be addressed to ensure its success. These challenges can be grouped into three categories: those related to data, those related to AI itself, and those related to the environment.


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Data-related challenges

Data is the fuel of AI, as it is the raw material that feeds algorithms and allows them to learn and improve. Therefore, the quality, quantity and availability of data are key factors for AI performance.

Some of the data-related challenges are:

1. Lack of data

In some cases, there may be a shortage of historical or relevant data to train or validate AI models. This can limit the AI’s ability to generalize or adapt to new scenarios or conditions.

2. Data bias

Data may contain errors, inconsistencies or distortions that affect its representativeness or reliability. This can cause AI models to reproduce or amplify these biases, which can lead to erroneous or unfair results.

3. Data privacy

Data may contain sensitive or confidential information that must be protected and treated with respect. This involves complying with legal and ethical regulations regarding the use and processing of personal data, as well as ensuring its security against possible attacks or leaks.

1. Challenges related to AI

AI is a complex and dynamic technology, involving the use of advanced algorithms and machine learning (ML) or deep learning (DL) techniques. These techniques allow AI systems to learn by themselves from data, without the need for explicit programming.

Some of the challenges related to AI are:

  • Understanding AI

AI systems can be difficult to understand or explain, especially when it comes to DL-based models, which are characterized by multiple layers and parameters. This can make it difficult to interpret or justify the results or decisions generated by AI, as well as to verify or validate them.

  • Trust in AI

AI systems may be prone to errors or failure, especially when faced with unforeseen or adverse situations. This may affect users’ or customers’ trust or acceptance of AI, as well as their responsibility or accountability.

  • Adapting to AI

AI systems may involve significant changes in the ways of working or doing business, which may require adaptation by organisations and individuals. This involves developing new skills or competencies to interact with AI, as well as managing the social or work-related impact it may have.