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Basic Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Life


Jerotshi Cáceres |

If you want to lead a healthy life, the first change you must make is in your diet, because eating well has benefits for the body and mind, but for this we must know how to eat in a pleasant, sufficient, complete, balanced and sustainable way.

The truth is that you don't have to make a big effort to eat healthy, you don't have to follow strict diets and forbid yourself from enjoying food, you just have to change some habits. Keep reading our basic nutrition tips for a healthy life.

Some nutrition tips for a healthy life:

1. Plan your meals

If you plan your meals for the week or the next day, you are less likely to fall into eating the first thing you have at home or buying food. The menu will allow you to have control, you will be able to distribute the daily or weekly portions to maintain an adequate diet.

Another advantage of meal planning is that you don't have to fall into a routine or monotony, which will allow you to vary your meals and enjoy food. Remember that the most important thing about these tips is to help you create new habits, but it's not about restricting or making mealtime a torture.

2. Prepare your meals

The process of preparing meals is very important. To lead a healthy lifestyle, you must know the basics of techniques such as steaming, baking, grilling, and frying for special occasions. Cooking your food will allow you to have control over the cooking process and the quality of the ingredients.

A great nutrition tip is to look for ideas to cook on a daily basis. This will help you get inspired, not get bored and include balanced nutrition in your healthy lifestyle. Make balanced dishes that contain all the necessary ingredients to meet the daily requirements to maintain a healthy mind and body.

3. Include fruits and vegetables

A good nutritional habit that you should include is the consumption of fruits and vegetables. It is best to include both fruits and vegetables daily, between 3 fruits and 2 servings of vegetables. Vegetables should be present on the table at every meal, and fruits are recommended to be eaten whole and with the skin to take advantage of all their nutrients.

You can prepare vegetables by steaming them, in salads, sautéing them, etc. At night, only include half of the plate, or as a starter only.

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4. Replace flour with whole grains

Cereals are the main source of carbohydrates, they are very necessary and should represent 50% to 60% of calories depending on your physical activity. Whole grain versions in this case include greater benefits than refined grains, the latter are converted into sugars in the body, whereas whole grains have all the fiber, are rich in vitamins, minerals and are sugar-free.

5. Take advantage of animal proteins

The main sources of protein and vitamins come from the animal meat diet. We recommend fish, eggs and white meat because it is healthier. 3 to 4 servings (white or blue fish) and 3 to 4 eggs per week. Red meat can be eaten just once a week, we recommend chicken, turkey, rabbit and white meat.

6. Drink water

Water is the only liquid that can guarantee a healthy life. Neither low-calorie sugary drinks nor alcohol provide the nutrients necessary for our health. It is extremely important to stay hydrated and there is no better option than water.

The amount is very relative, it all depends on the climate, lifestyle and age, but in general around 2 liters a day in the form of water is recommended, but remember that we can find water in food too.

7. Avoid foods with fats, salt and sugar

Excess is always harmful to health. We should avoid excessive consumption of saturated fats, sugars and salt, because it can have negative effects on health. The best way to avoid this is to know and interpret the ingredients on nutritional labels. Remember that the best thing for our diet should be fresh foods and vegetables.

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8. Use olive oil and other spices

You can use olive oil both for cooking and for dressing. It is a great ally to make your meals healthier because it has multiple benefits, including helping to regulate LDL cholesterol levels, also known as bad cholesterol.

Spices will help you reduce salt, and they also have multiple benefits that will complement your daily diet.

9. Bet on variety

A healthy life doesn't have to be boring and monotonous, it should be varied. You should add as many foods, colors, flavors and textures as possible to take advantage of the variety of benefits that each one can bring you. Go for a variety of foods, try new combinations and take risks to make this process and lifestyle more bearable, because enjoying food is also part of a healthy life.

10. Control portion size

The amount of food you eat is also very important. It should be appropriate for your lifestyle, weight, age, and understanding the correct portions will help you maintain an energy balance and avoid eating too little or too much. Portion sizes can vary depending on the food.

We hope that after reading these basic nutrition tips for a healthy life you will be encouraged to put them into practice. Eating well is not a difficult goal, you should start little by little and incorporate habits, without the need for strict diets and unpleasant regimes. You should enjoy the healthy lifestyle, because if it is not something you enjoy you will abandon it in a short time and to see results it must be something you can maintain.

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