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How to Organize Your Time and Daily Tasks without Procrastinating?


Jerotshi Cáceres |

Procrastination is the habit of postponing or putting off important tasks in favor of less important ones, just out of fear or laziness to face them. Most of the time this behavior is due to a lack of time management, but good planning of your daily tasks can help you find the times of day when you are most productive and organize yourself accordingly to avoid falling into procrastination.

In this article we will help you organize your daily tasks so that you can take advantage of your time without procrastinating:

How to organize your time?

Organizing your time is undoubtedly one of the biggest concerns. Sometimes it can seem exhausting to the point that you organize your time, but then you don't do everything and you end up dragging yourself along and letting things flow.

What you need to do is organize your time , using the appropriate time management techniques that help you focus your energies on tasks, so that you can carry out your daily activities successfully.

Identify your daily routine

If you identify your daily routine, you can identify those actions or behaviors that are taking up your time without you being aware of it. At the same time, it will help you identify which routines are more difficult for you and which ones are more difficult to carry out.

What you should do is write down in a diary, on a computer or on your cell phone everything you do in a day, from the time you get up until you go to bed. You can add an estimated time for each of these tasks, as well as identifying them by color, for example: green is the color for tasks that benefit you, blue is the color for those that are not relevant, and red is the color for those that you consider make you procrastinate.

Snooze my cell phone alarm twice before waking up

✅ I check my cell phone for 15 minutes

✅ I stop

✅ I make the bed

✅ I close the bedroom window

✅ I'm going to the bathroom

✅ I take a shower

✅ I dry myself

✅ I carry out my personal hygiene routine

✅ I get dressed

✅ I drink a coffee

✅ I prepare breakfast

✅ Breakfast

✅ I check my cell phone for 20 minutes

✅ I brush my teeth

Making this list to identify your daily routines is very important, because most of the time we are not aware of the activities we do during the day, and we are not able to find the cause of that feeling of having spent the whole day doing nothing, not having taken advantage of the time and feeling frustrated and guilty. This way you will be able to identify what makes you less productive, and takes away the time you can invest in doing more important tasks, and of course you will be able to organize your time better.

Make a list of tasks in order of importance

After identifying your daily routine, you must identify those tasks that have the highest priority, those that have medium priority, and those that have no major importance. It is recommended that you write them down and organize them according to the level of importance; you can use the list to help you.

1: It is very important

2: It is of medium importance

3: is of low importance

An example if you put this way of organizing your time into practice would be like this;

Finish watching the series: 3

➕ Progress in the monthly report: 1

➕ Perform the daily exercise routine: 2

➕ Make dinner: 2

➕ Practice English lesson: 1

We present this example to give you an idea, but all of this will depend on the importance you give to your daily routines, for this you must be honest with yourself. The tasks must be aligned with what you want, your daily goals and what interests you.


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Planning your use of time

If you want to optimize and organize your time, you should avoid falling into routines that will not help you carry out all your daily activities. Therefore, we recommend that you plan all the pending activities for the next day the day before:

Organize the clothes you are going to wear

✅ The accessories that match you

✅ Breakfast

✅ Lunch

✅ What you need to bring to the office

We are more willing and able to do things early in the morning than we are to do them later in the day. Therefore, you should do the most important tasks early in the morning and leave the less demanding ones for another time of day. The advantage of organizing your daily tasks is that you can define the importance of your tasks in order to prioritize them.

Time use planner

There are tools that make it easier to use time and help you keep track of tasks. You can create them in Excel, on your board, calendar or cell phone notes. There are other very useful tools such as Google Calendar , Trello , Toggl , Notion , Rescuetime , Google Keep and Self Control .

Add a space for the unexpected

The truth is that not every day is going to be as you plan, certain unforeseen events may arise, and you may have to change your routine. Add a time slot for these types of situations, where you can accommodate them without this completely affecting your to-do list and also place them in order of priority.


Download this free guide to help you organize and plan your time between specific activities. Doing this correctly will allow you to work smarter, to get more done in less time.

Create a space free of distractions

Prepare the space in which you will spend the day, because this can be a distraction, cause stress or make you feel uncomfortable. Do not have objects at hand that can distract you from your work, make sure to organize your space and adapt it to your needs.

Do one task at a time

While we want to accomplish everything in a day, the truth is that you must do one task at a time, you must focus your energy on one task and then move on to the next. For this reason, we recommend planning your daily routine based on time, intensity, and your energy level, as well as the importance of each task.

Why is it important to organize daily activities?

Distributing your time correctly will ensure that you complete your daily tasks more effectively, and will allow you to not only complete office tasks, but also balance household chores, exercise routines, etc.

So in addition to organizing your day, you should focus on organizing each task to be completed, so that it is easier to finish them without procrastinating.

Here we show you some techniques to organize your time, including tasks and habits, and if you are one of those who procrastinate, we invite you to follow this scheme so you can see the difference.

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