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What is Personnel Selection?


Jerotshi Cáceres |

Staff selection is a process that consists of choosing the right candidate for a certain job. This is a process carried out by the Human Resources department. If you want to know more about what human resources are, you can read our post where we explain more about this topic.

What this means is that this includes the process of interviewing candidates, where their qualities, experience, aptitudes and skills, etc. are evaluated to determine whether or not they are suitable for the job.

This process is of utmost importance because proper staff selection will help the company achieve its goals. It is then a matter of qualifying and selecting the most suitable candidate to fill the available job vacancy.

Therefore, a good selection process will guarantee the company suitable and qualified personnel to carry out their functions within the organization.

Now, there are two terms that are often confused: staff selection and recruitment. What are their differences?

Recruitment can be defined as the process of identifying and inviting candidates to apply for a job. On the other hand, staff selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidates for the position.

Among its characteristics, the recruitment process is called positive because it is responsible for adding or attracting candidates for vacant positions. On the other hand, personnel selection is considered negative, because it is focused on subtracting or eliminating candidates to find the most suitable for the job.

Both are processes that complement each other and play a vital role in the overall growth of the company.

What is the importance of staff selection?

Staff selection is an important process for companies, because choosing good staff will increase the overall performance of the organization and therefore the established objectives will be achieved. On the contrary, if there is poor management in staff selection, the company's work will be affected.

The main objective of staff selection is to choose the most suitable candidates for the position, this means that they can meet the job requirements within the company, and to achieve this it is necessary to evaluate several attributes of each candidate.

These attributes include skills, experience, attitudes, etc. Workers with fewer similar attributes are discarded and those who qualify are allowed to continue with the process. If a poor selection is made, the costs related to the induction and training of the wrong candidate could generate a loss for the company.

This suggests that there will be losses in money, effort and time. For this reason, the personnel selection process is so important to improve the quality of the organization's work.

What are the advantages of staff selection?

If a good staff selection process is carried out, it can offer you the following advantages:

Reduces time and effort.

✅ Avoid bias when hiring the right candidate.

✅ Eliminate candidates who lack knowledge, skills and competencies.

✅ A guide is established to evaluate candidates that allows us to know the ideal profile sought for a certain job position.


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What is the staff selection process?

Staff selection allows you to reduce costs and maximize profits. This should be a process as thorough as possible to choose the ideal candidate:

1. Assessment of needs to carry out the selection process.

The first thing to determine is why the staff will be renewed, since this cannot be misaligned with the needs of the company. Therefore, the areas where the entry of new profiles is needed must be examined, in order to guide the selection process in this direction and ensure that the greatest number of talents are chosen.

2. Define the job profile.

The company must first be very clear about the profile it needs. This includes knowing the functions that the applicant will perform within the company, the level of experience, whether they are looking for someone who is specialized in certain tasks, whether they must know another language, etc. This step is necessary because if you don't know what you are looking for, you will hardly be able to find the right candidate.

3. Staff recruitment.

As we have discussed previously, recruitment and selection are different processes. Therefore, before the process comes the recruitment, which consists of the call where the candidate's profile is presented so that they can apply through the channels designated for this purpose.

4. Receiving information from candidates.

This is the step of receiving documents for their subsequent evaluation, through the channels designated for this purpose. The more efficient the reception of documents, the faster the process and the next phase can be moved on.


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5. Pre-selection of candidates.

This is undoubtedly the most sensitive process, because it involves reducing the number of candidates by filtering to match the characteristics of the ideal profile.

In addition to reviewing resumes, which can be done manually or through software that filters and selects the talent that fits the offer, there are other tests that are carried out to eliminate candidates, such as psychometric tests or personality tests that allow determining whether the candidate has the skills for a particular job.

6. Selection

The personnel selection process begins. Once the pre-selection process is completed, in this case human resources will have a range of candidates that will be selected according to the profile of the ideal candidate. What follows is subjecting these candidates to more rigorous tests, to test the experience, skills and aptitudes indicated in the resume.

7. Create reports.

Applications are evaluated to determine which candidates fit the profile. A selection report must be prepared in which the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate are determined.

8. Final stage.

The final decision of the entire previous process is at this final stage, where those responsible, in this case the human resources department, must close the personnel selection procedure. Once the candidate or candidates have been determined, they must be contacted to move on to the next stage.

9. Hiring and incorporation.

At this stage, the candidate has been selected and the hiring process begins, that is, complying with the provisions of the law and incorporating the candidate into his or her job. This means that he or she must integrate into the company, be organized and know all the internal processes.

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