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Know the difference between Business Analytics and Business Intelligence


Romina Iaconelli |

We can say that Business Analytics (BA) and Business Intelligence (BI) have become a fundamental piece in business to focus on the means, and thus discover possible failures in the processes, recognize optimization indicators and predict future behavior in companies.

What is Business Analytics?

Business analytics, also known as Business Analytics (abbreviated BA), stands for Business Analytics . Business Analytics is the implementation of business solutions that meet business needs.

This definition may seem very general, but it is not. Business Analytics is also responsible for collecting and analyzing data, but all this involves statistical analysis and predictive models to discover why things happen in the present and how they may happen in the future.

We can call it a crystal ball, a gift or a miracle, but Business Analytics is responsible for solving problems before they happen. Regarding this concept, we can say that it is closely linked to the current and future situation of companies.

Due to the information available, predictive models can be created to assist in decision-making and thus improve competitiveness.

What value does Business Analytics provide?

Business Analytics provides insight into the why of certain events.

You have a greater ability to predict the future, even the behavior of our clients.

With Business Analytics, you can improve future decision-making in your company or organization.

✅Business Analytics is ideal for adaptability to change and opportunities for continuous improvement.

Thanks to Business Analytics, a greater analysis of the future of the company or organization is created.

What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence (abbreviated BI) and as its acronym in English stands for Business Intelligence . As its concept says; it is used to evaluate, coordinate and optimize the internal activities of the company.

This tells us that the set of strategies, processes and methodologies used help us convert data into good quality information , as well as transform it into important knowledge to make better decisions.

The process involves technologies and applications that analyze, collect and integrate business performance information. With this data, decisions can be made to improve the business model.


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Differences between Business Analytics and Business Intelligence

Business Analytics and Business Intelligence, They are two similarities, but they are not really the same. Below, we will mention their main differences:

Utility - Business Analytics and Business Intelligence

Business Analytics focuses on data recovery, statistical analysis and the usefulness of predictive models to support decision-making in a company.

Business Intelligence focuses on assisting in information processes and seeks ways to obtain the maximum value that impacts decision-making, management, and the simplification of collection processes.

Its main objective is to make the work of analysts and the operational part of the company much easier when it comes to obtaining data.

Concerns - Business Analytics and Business Intelligence

Business Analytics answers the question "why" things happen within the company in order to predict future business behavior.

Business Intelligence asks "what" and "how" things happen.

Another of the main differences between these two concepts is how they achieve the search for answers.

As Business Intelligence is responsible for answering the question of what and how processes, developments, failures, etc. arise within a company, Business Analytics understands the "why" in order to achieve the most appropriate solutions.

Business Analytics

Business Analytics is focused on the future. It helps us gain insight into the future, which is facilitated by predictive models that motivate new strategies and new directions.

It is not responsible for studying internal statistics, but rather for trends and other indicators. That is why it seeks to avoid repeating past mistakes.

Business intelligence , on the other hand, is oriented towards the past. With the help of numerous business reports along with other structured data, it examines the company's history in order to understand its development. In this way, they work and study internal statistics and solve operational errors. Therefore, they are not the same thing.

How Much Does a Business Analytics Specialist Make?

Following the advancement and revolution of the Internet, it has given rise to new professions and skills that are highly valued by companies.

This is why Business Analytics analysts have become one of the most sought-after professions by companies, and can earn an annual salary of up to 37,000 euros.

This professional, capable of transforming data into information and information into beneficial knowledge for the business, is one of the most highly valued and his salary base varies between the 28,000 euros that Business Analytics professionals earn .

The Role of Big Data in Business Analytics and Business Intelligence

The digital age and its impact on companies have resulted in new business models that facilitate decision-making based on data.

However, all this can lead to potential confusion, as is the case with Big Data , Business Analytics and Business Intelligence.

Although these three systems allow us to analyze data to obtain information, we must be clear that they are not the same.

Big Data is at the heart of both models, as it is the main storage for large amounts of data that will help us find repetitive patterns.

It also focuses on obtaining and processing data, so that Business Analytics and Business Intelligence can analyze and use it appropriately.

Now that you know the potential of these two analysis approaches, you can begin to delve into the tools that allow you to transform simple data into knowledge to make timely business decisions.

Do you want to continue learning about Business Analytics and Business Intelligence ? We invite you to learn about our courses at

So that you can learn everything you need to get the most out of business analysis with technological tools.

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