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Advantages of Advertising on Facebook Ads


Romina Iaconelli |

Facebook has become one of the most used social networks worldwide. It has an advertising platform that reaches millions of people, which has become a very popular tool for digital marketing, since through it you can create sponsored ads that will be seen by users on their home pages, paying only for clicks received. Learn about the advantages of advertising on Facebook Ads in this article.

Advertisements on Facebook Ads can appear in different locations, according to Boada, N. (2020) these are:

✔️ Within Facebook itself: ads will be displayed in the user's news feed, next to posts, as well as in the right-hand column.

✔️ On Facebook Messenger: This is one of Facebook's newest options. It is the launch of ads through its Messenger chatbots for brands .

✔️ On Instagram: When Facebook bought Instagram, it proposed the integration of both advertising platforms , increasing the possibilities.

✔️ On Audience Network: this network allows you to expand advertising campaigns beyond Facebook, reaching a larger target audience through different options such as applications, mobile websites, videos, among others.


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Structure of advertising

To take advantage of the benefits of advertising on Facebook Ads and creating ads on the platform, the way in which its structure is formed is important. According to Kurmakaeva (sf), it consists of the following levels:

1️⃣ Campaign: it is configured based on the advertising objective being pursued, and is chosen from among 10 different types.

2️⃣ Ad group: through which the audience, budget, and publication schedule of the advertising campaign are determined.

3️⃣ Ads: refers to the final presentations of the banners and posts that are promoted in the campaign.

During the ad creation process, it is important to be clear about the advertising objectives of your campaign, which can be grouped into three main sections:

✔️ Recognition: In this section, you will define the interaction of your ads, if you want to increase your follower base or create greater visibility to increase reach and reach the largest number of users possible.

✔️ Prestige: Its objective is to generate clicks on the website, responses to events and capture potential clients to obtain more leads.

✔️ Conversions: If increasing your website conversions is your goal, you can promote your products through offers, catalog sales, visits to your business, among others.


If you want to know more, download our free Ebook Facebook Ads: Advanced Strategies and enjoy learning with all the information we have for you. Discover the secret of winning campaigns on Facebook Ads.

Types of ads

The platform provides you with various types of ads that you can choose according to your needs and create successful campaigns for your business, making the most of the Advantages of Advertising on Facebook Ads , Torr and Adame (2019), mention that they are divided as follows:

✅ Image ads.

✅ Video ads.

✅ Campaigns with presentation.

✅ Ads in collection.

✅ Instant experiences.

✅ Sequence ads.

✅ Campaigns for commercial prospects (leads).

✅ Dynamic ads.

✅ Ads on Messenger.

Segmentation in Facebook Ads

More than 1 billion people connect to Facebook every day, which is why the platform offers very specific targeting options that help you easily locate the audience interested in your brand and achieve better results. To select your audience on Facebook, you can choose between the following main options:

Saved audience: refers to the one we configure manually, for this, we have detailed information about the buyer persona.

✅ A custom audience : this will serve to reach a specific group of people who have already had contact with your brand through your website.

Lookalike audiences: This option allows you to expand your reach by searching for users who resemble your customers or contacts and increase the potential success of your ads.

Benefits of Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is a comprehensive tool that offers you advanced options to ensure the success of your advertising campaigns and increase the performance of your ads. The platform allows you to measure and investigate the following data from your campaigns:

✔️ Audience results:

It allows you to understand who you reach and how they respond to your ads. You get this data through Atlas' ad reporting, ad insights, and reach and campaign reports. With this information, you can measure the performance of your campaigns.

✔️ Brand results:

Through surveys to make improvements to your brand, Facebook allows you to compare the response of people who have seen your ad with that of users who do not yet know your brand.

✔️ Bestseller:

Facebook has tools to help you measure your conversion performance, including Atlas attribution reports, mobile activity evaluation, and offline conversion tracking.

As we have shown, Facebook Ads is a really efficient advertising platform that provides you with all the tools you need to create successful campaigns and boost your brand on social media. By running ads on Facebook you will be able to increase sales, leads and income.

Get the best results immediately and achieve maximum profitability for your business by distributing your content to the public interested in your brand in an easy and effective way.


Create campaigns that don't consume your entire budget, if possible!

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