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Learn the Types of Angles in Photography


Jerotshi Cáceres |

If you want to take good photos, you must know all the types of angles that exist in photography in order to obtain optimal and professional results. Everything influences the time of taking a photograph, from the pose of the person, the position of the camera, the light, the photographic framing, etc.

The types of angles in photography can improve your photos, achieve a more professional finish and convey a message or brand essence. Keep reading and learn about the types of angles that exist for your photos. This way, you can learn to make better decisions when framing a photo, defining the shots and angles that will best serve to achieve your goals.

Capture the world like a pro, just by mastering the basics, learning to focus from different views and knowing the angles that work best for different objectives.

What are photographic angles?

The first thing we need to know is what are photographic angles? We refer to a photographic angle when we talk about the position of the camera when taking a photo.

Depending on this angle, different types of photographs can be achieved, and these angles are defined by the height and position of the camera.

People or objects can be framed in a photo at different angles and in turn with different photographic planes. This is achieved by modifying the distance between the figure and the background.

For this reason, to achieve a certain angle it is necessary to modify the position of the camera in relation to the object or person.

What is done considering four characteristics:

Object or subject protagonist

✅ Incidence of light

✅ Previous plans

✅ Distant shots

Photographic shots help us to construct an image, and therefore the placement of the camera is of vital importance. Depending on this angle we can create effects, for example: making an object or subject look larger than it is. It is also essential to transmit a message or idea; the place where the camera is placed can make it transmitted or appreciated in a different way by the viewer.

Angles help you put a situation into perspective, and the wrong angle can capture or communicate the wrong idea about a moment or situation. If you use a closed angle at a party, you can capture a not-so-happy or lonely moment, and if you use a wide angle of a couple hugging, they can seem distant.

Which means that the angles you use in your photographs can greatly determine the perspective, mood, and meanings within the image. Without a doubt, angles play a vital role in creating images.

Now, let's get to the main point of this article, knowing the types of angles that exist for your photos.


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Types of angles in photography

Once we know what photographic angles are and how they can help you, we will look at each of the types that exist. If you want to achieve a professional finish in your photos, you must know the photographic angles you will need to get the most out of your camera.

1. Normal angle

The normal angle is the one achieved by positioning the camera parallel to the ground, generally at the height of the object or person. It is one of the most common angles, used when taking a photo standing up, the position is facing forward and gives a feeling of stability, it is always more or less at eye level.

If you want to capture this angle in children or animals, it is necessary to put yourself at their height to be able to achieve it, because if you take it from above you would not really be achieving this normal angle but another one that we will discuss later.

2. High angle

The high angle has the characteristic of being taken from a height higher than the objects or people in the picture. From this point of view, weight is given to the protagonist; if this angle is used in landscapes or urban planning, importance is given to specific elements such as cars or pedestrians in motion. This angle usually makes the protagonists appear smaller, one could say weaker or inferior, therefore, this must be taken into account when taking a photograph using this type of angle.


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3. Low angle

The low angle is the opposite of the high angle in photography. So in this point of view, the height of the camera is lower than the people or objects photographed. This angle makes people look taller or an object look bigger than it really is, in this sense the proportions are inverted, making people or objects look stronger and more haughty.

4. Nadir angle

This type of angle focuses completely on the ground, is considered more exaggerated than the low angle and is almost always used for nature or buildings, because it provides greater depth to the shots.

5. Zenith angle

At this angle the camera is positioned perpendicular to the ground and is used to capture wide spaces. It differs from the high angle because it covers a larger surface, without focusing only on the person or object.

So far we have seen the five most popular angles in photography, and with these five you can achieve great shots. Now we will give you some tips to use these angles in your photographs in the best way to achieve great results.

Tips for using angles in photography

If you want to play with these angles you must do so by moving around, and not just from the most comfortable and usual position.

One option is to crouch down, this will allow you to have a soft low angle, allowing you to get another different point of view.

Lying down will allow you to have a favorable angle for people or small objects, which you can take advantage of to take new shots.

Now what you have to do is put the tips into practice to be able to take creative and different photos. Practice each angle we have taught you with an object first and then you can apply it to people or landscapes.

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