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10 Ways to Use Flash in Digital Photography


Juan Chaverra |

If you control the light in your photographs you can create incredible masterpieces, that's what they will always tell you in photography and it's true!

The most difficult thing for a beginner photographer is to control the lighting of his photograph. At events where the photographer has little light, a handheld flash can become his best friend.

We share with you 10 ways to use basic lighting equipment (handheld flash) to create really illuminated pieces. We won't give you the secret recipe for good photographs, as it is important that you try each of our recommendations and see your results. Remember to have fun in the process. Your goal should always be to give your own style to the photographs.

We hope that this collection of ideas on how to use a handheld flash will help you to exploit your creativity and take advantage of the same scenario in many ways.

10 Ways to Use Flash in Photography

Method 1: Fill Flash

This way of using your flash is designed for those shots where we want to reduce the shadows on the person or the photographed product, but where we do not want the natural light (sun) to lose prominence. This flash that we will use frontally, must be graduated at low levels so that we do not get an artificial photo. This way of using the flash is one of the most basic but many underestimate the touch that it can give to photos when the sun is not favorable.

(Example of a subtly flash-lit photograph)

Method 2: Bounce your camera flash

Discover how just by creatively pointing your flash light at the ceiling or a wall you can make the light in your photo more diffuse and its quality much better. In the process of bouncing your flash try the 45° and 75° angles, many pieces benefit from them.

You have to keep in mind that this shape does cause a more distributed but also less powerful light effect.

(Examples of bounced flash photography)

Method 3: Bounce your flash with a Pocket Bouncer

If you don't have a wall nearby or where you can bounce your flash, this accessory will help you soften the light in your photo, all with the goal of obtaining a photo with a natural lighting effect. The flash with a Pocket Bouncer will point directly at the subject of your photo and the light from your flash will be redirected at 90°. Don't forget to think about this accessory and you will always have well-crafted photos!


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Form 4: Long exposure and flash

Combining the magic of an open shutter and a soft flash can create a nice result. What you need to do is synchronize your rear curtain and the flash will fire at the end of the exposure.

The approach in this way 4 will try to add just a flash of artificial light to a long exposure photo.

And if your photo has movement, this way of using your handheld flash can create soft lighting to capture the objects you want in your photo.

Form 5: Use a Strobella as a flash modifier

With this umbrella-shaped accessory you can diffuse the light from your flash to create a soft shadow effect.

The Strobella is very inexpensive and easy to carry anywhere. You must place this component in front of the flash so that it can fulfill its purpose of reducing the harshness of the light.

It is generally recommended to use this accessory for close shots of no more than 2 meters. In this way 5 you have to make sure to manually adjust the white balance of your camera, maybe the Strobella changes the color of your light a little.

Shape 6: Two umbrellas diffusing your light and two flashes

Place the flashes on the sides of your model to be photographed (you can try the effect of placing one flash a little further ahead than the other, perhaps you like the two-light effect that this creates), place them with everything, with their holders and with the diffusing umbrellas. Enjoy this 6-dimensional photo.

Method 7: Use one flash with an umbrella and the other flash on your camera

When your scene is under-lit, this 7th way to use your flashes will come in handy.

Place the flash with the umbrella (on its support) on one side of your subject and leave the other flash on your camera pointing straight at your model.

This will prevent your photo from coming out too dark or with too much shadow, as that is what could happen if you leave only one side flash. You will have a photo with perfect fill light.

Form 8: A more uniform light

If you are unable to remove the dark background in your photo, try this time modifying the speed of your flash. The slower (1/40s or 1/20) your camera will be able to capture the light in the background of your scene much better.


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Way 9: Get a silver umbrella and see the magic

Get a silver reflective umbrella, set it up but closed. Yes, you heard right! You will set up the flash as you normally do with an umbrella but you will keep it closed and with the inside pointing towards your model. This action will cause a less intense and bright light effect.

Don't be afraid to try it, you might like the result.

Form 10: Make creativity the center of your photography

It is important that you learn the basics of photography but then dare to try new and different concepts. It is not the camera that creates works of art, it is your ideas and your ability to carry them out that will make your photographs always have the ability to surprise many.

To create a work of art you only need a subject to photograph and keep in mind not to lose sight of the aesthetic beauty. The technical part is the least important, we will teach you how to do it.

Before you start capturing, ask yourself what message you want to communicate and what you can do differently to give your photos your own style.

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