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The 5 Successful Businesses Every Freelancer Should Know


Romina Iaconelli |

Freelancers usually work from home or from their own office. They usually need two work inputs: a computer with the right software and a good internet connection . This gives them the possibility to work from wherever they want and to organize their time.

If you want to become competitive in your area of ​​freelance work and take advantage of new opportunities, you need to train yourself. Of course, you will need perseverance and dedication.

Likewise, the experience gained each day will allow you to perfect your techniques and discover other efficient ways of performing your duties.

These are the 4 successful ventures that you should know as a Freelancer

There is a diversity of work areas in which a freelancer can perform, from programming, web design, graphic design, community manager , among others. For any project you decide to dedicate yourself to as a freelancer, the key will always be in good ideas. Below, we will show you the most successful areas in which you can develop your skills as a freelancer:

1-Graphic Design

The graphic image that every business projects, without exception, is fundamental. Advertising and the products or services offered to a specific public are first perceived by the eyes and then positioned in the mind of the final consumer.

If you want to learn the skills of this sector, taking design courses will certainly be very useful, as they will give you the technical knowledge of everything related to graphic design.

If you take advantage of training in this profession and manage to become a visual communication professional, you will have very good job offers that even pay very well. If you are creative and you lean towards this area, at our Marketing School we have a series of courses that might interest you.


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2- Web development

Just like the importance of visual identity for a business, a website is the main component. This is why website creation is a booming field. In addition, the work tools used are increasingly accessible, so if you consider starting out in this career you could do so in a relatively short period of time.

There is currently a great demand for the design, optimization and administration of websites, as this is an ideal tool for promoting the products and services offered by companies and entrepreneurs.

3- Data Analysis

Everything that happens on the web and everything we consume on a daily basis produces data . To do this, there are professionals who carry out the observation, collection, monitoring, interpretation and transformation of this data.

This data analysis provides a lot of value to organizations, since it determines the tools for decision-making.

Professionals who work in this field get great job offers in a field with high demand.


We have this guide at your disposal so that you can enhance your skills as a Freelance Web Designer and learn to make your talent independent.

4- Sale of Products

Selling products online is a fairly common field and has been very popular in recent years. This popularity is due to the success that an entrepreneur can have when he finds the right products to sell.

This area is jointly related to commerce through e-commerce , storytelling , user experience development, etc.

It should be noted that each one will depend on the product being offered, who it is aimed at and the profile of the entrepreneur.

One of our most popular and recent courses in this sector is: Create your first store on Shopify In it you will learn how to create and customize your own e-commerce intuitively and without using code.

Take These Tips

To help you perform your duties efficiently and effectively, we recommend the following golden rules:

✅Plan all your tasks.

✅ Focus and be responsible.

✅ Make every delivery professionally and without errors.

✅ Train yourself constantly.

✅ Put emotional intelligence into practice.

✅ Develop sales skills.

✅ Have your own website or social media to promote your products or services.

These types of tips are not a concrete recipe for becoming the best freelancer, but they are actions that could help you achieve the goal you set for yourself as an independent worker.

More and more people are working as freelancers , achieving their dream of working according to their own rules and without strict contracts that tie them to a specific position.

Start learning those in-demand skills today that will make you a successful freelancer .

Courses that may interest you

Do you want to acquire more skills to start your own business? We recommend our courses on Create your personal brand through the Canvas model, Freelancers and their Finances, Create your First Store on Shopify.