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What is Branding? Types, Importance and Mergers


Jerotshi Cáceres |

Branding is the idea, concept and strategies of a brand or company to position itself in the minds of consumers. Its main objective is to increase relevance in the market, ensure a good reputation, always focusing on its purpose and values.

In other words, branding is the set of strategies that are responsible for making the brand known, creating connections, emotions and experiences in the consumer that invite them to always have it present in their mind.

But to talk about branding , it is necessary to know a concept with which it is closely related: the brand. What do we mean by brand? A brand is not just a logo or visual identity, it is the entire experience, values ​​and desires that are created from a product or service.

Each person engages with a brand in a different way depending on their social, cultural, economic and even political context. And this is the main reason why branding is key to building this relationship, which will only be successful if a brand endures over time and adapts to new contexts, because otherwise it is destined to perish.

What are the types of Branding?

So far we have mentioned corporate branding, however, there are other types of branding:

Personal branding: It focuses on working on the personal brand, in this case the individual is the image and it is currently one of the best known.

Corporate branding: this is what we have been introducing previously and is focused on brands or companies.

Employee branding: It is a more recent concept and focuses on managing an employee's brand (their skills, achievements, professional successes). If you want to know more about this type of branding, be sure to read employer branding 2022

Why is Branding important?

Think of a brand. Which one was the first that came to mind? What was the first thing you remembered about this brand?

Most likely, you thought of its colors, logo, etc., but also experiences, sensations and emotions. This is precisely the function of branding : to create a series of connections between the consumer and the brand so that they choose it again when making a purchase.

Let's go back to the brand you thought of, this was not a random choice, because behind a great brand there is always a very well thought out and structured branding strategy over the years.

For this reason, branding is so important, because it is necessary for the brand to differentiate itself from the rest of the brands on the market and this is the set of strategies that will facilitate this action.

What are the functions of Branding?

What makes a brand different is what separates it from the rest, and to achieve this you must start by making a marketing plan, having a brand design and the necessary channels for its announcement, these are the main functions of branding:

1. Know who the competitors and the market are

Competitors will give an idea of ​​where the brand is and where it wants to go, as well as the place it occupies in the market.

2. Always keep the brand values ​​in mind

Brand values ​​ensure consistency, therefore a brand that is true to its values ​​is consistent with what it offers and does in practice.

3. Build credibility and reputation

Brand credibility and reputation is what users say, it is the implementation of values.

4. Distinguish yourself from the competition

The success of a brand undoubtedly lies in its differentiation, which makes it unique and therefore better positioned in the minds of consumers.



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Examples of successful branding

1. Apple

It is one of the most successful and valued brands in the world, how did it manage to position itself? In large part because it has created a status that everyone wants to be a part of, and it makes you belong to an exclusive group.

Then there are their innovative products, minimalist designs that are evident in each product and packaging, with a simplicity and elegance that characterizes them. This emotional part is what Apple managed to touch and it can only be achieved through good branding.

2. Dove

The beauty and personal care brand opted for natural products through its famous commercial videos and slogans, which value real bodies, different phenotypes, ages and bodies. This was undoubtedly what positioned Dove among the best.

3. Coca-Cola

The brand that bet on emotional branding, redefining the concept of happiness, union and family, definitely became one of the best examples of success. Coca-Cola is without a doubt one of the brands with solid branding, you can even recognize it just by the colors or silhouette of the logo, that is undoubtedly the best branding of all.

4. Lego

Lego is an example of a brand that has reinvented itself over time, transforming from wooden to plastic toys, creating theme parks, movies and personalized toys. In addition, it appeals to both children and adults, in a perfect combination of colors, logo, designs and branding strategies that relate to play, fun and family.


Download our FREE Ebook on Branding and visual identity for startups and enjoy learning with all the information we have for you. Learn how to define the audience your startup is targeting, what type of services or products it offers and what sets you apart from the rest.

Will Branding still exist?

Branding goes beyond logos and manuals. Today, brands must adapt and change depending on the needs of the current context. The future of branding to prosper is to build sustainable brands over time, brands that last and can overcome changes.

Branding should focus on creating and maintaining a good strategy for companies to position themselves in the market and be successful. What the brands mentioned above have in common is not only a good product or service, but they have been able to generate experiences for the user.

Now that you know what branding is and some examples of success, you can continue researching our blog about the marketing funnel to attract customers.

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