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Unlock the Secret Power of ChatGPT to Attract Customers and Sales

Libera el Poder Secreto de ChatGPT

Jerotshi Cáceres |

Many entrepreneurs are applying the use of ChatGPT for their business and thus increase their sales, but what they don't know is that there is something they are doing wrong, so they are wasting time and money.

In this short article, we'll explain in five minutes what's wrong with them and how to do it right.

Plus, we'll teach you how to unlock the hidden power of ChatGPT to get customers and sales.

Finally, if you finish reading this article, you will receive a special gift at the end.

Current Use of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a beautiful tool You can ask questions like a human and it will understand and respond like a human.

He has a lot to say and a lot of information to share.

It's like hiring Google Assistant to do everything for a project and give you feedback. ChatGPT is exactly the same, but in seconds.

The main need of entrepreneurs and small business owners is to generate all kinds of:

- Product pages

- Advertising

- Promotions

The main objective is to generate new customers and sales quickly.


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What's wrong?

GPT Chat has a fundamental weakness that no one talks about and that makes it misused.

Its essential weakness is: Training without criteria. This tool was trained to "learn" to generate responses.

So if the information you learn is not the best, then your answers will not be the best.

Let's say you want to ask ChatGPT for the text for your sales page. The tool has learned from all the sales pages that were given to it during its training.

But how many of them work? How does ChatGPT know who is doing it? It doesn't know.

Since there are many commercial sites that do not work (they create generic products), ChatGPT will learn from these generic products.

Correct use of ChatGPT

There are three ways to use ChatGPT correctly:

1. Research:

Do you need to learn a topic quickly without wasting time researching? Do you need to protect your data with statistics and surveys? ChatGPT, your personal assistant, records you and gives you a summary report.

2. Inspiration:

Are you blocking your own thinking? Don't know how to come up with an idea? ChatGPT is like an expert friend who doesn't know your topic but gives you good advice.

3. News:

Would you like to see a product, process or technology from a different perspective? Do you want to increase your reading volume?
ChatGPT is the most useful chat.

Now, how do you use these three methods to get clients and sales?

The secret power of ChatGPT

To unlock the secret power of ChatGPT, you must first define what is important to find the product.
What is your product or service? Is it marketable? Are your talents marketable?

The key to acquiring customers and making sales is having a solid marketing strategy.

This is what most people don't know and that's why they don't get results.

Here's why they don't really benefit from ChatGPT...

The secret power of GPT Chat is to help you develop a winning strategy.

How to make one of the hidden power?

First, you need to understand the pillars of the path to success. These are three fundamental pillars:

- Choose your target audience.

- Make a unique offer.

- Deliver a value proposition before selling.

ChatGPT will help you do all that!

The answer is there, the key is to know the question.

If you want to learn how to do it, this is your chance.

Discover your special gift 🎁

As experts in developing successful strategies, we have been using ChatGPT from the beginning and it has given us good results.

ChatGPT can do in minutes what could take you weeks to do.

Our goal is to help our more than 11 thousand students use it in their businesses or ventures.

It's important to have a strategy that everyone can execute, regardless of the type of business.

After weeks of work and asking about 2 thousand questions on ChatGPT, we have achieved it.

We've defined the right words to ask ChatGPT to help us create successful strategies while you type.

Do you want to know how?

Access AIXA ChatGPT, your virtual assistant on WhatsApp 👇

Sign up and get all the answers from an expert directly on your WhatsApp and join thousands of entrepreneurs and marketers who use ChatGPT to grow their businesses.