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Master in Java from 0 to expert, University, GS, DAM, DAW

Become a Java expert with our complete Master's degree. Learn from the basics to the most advanced techniques. Increase your job opportunities and develop high-quality applications!

By Dumitru Pirontea | Analyst and Full-Stack Developer

$12.99 USD $67.99 USD

15 day refund guarantee

This course includes:

▪️ 54h 03m duration on demand

▪️ 403 lessons

▪️ 289 downloadable resources

▪️ Available on mobile devices

▪️ Access forever

▪️ Language:

  • Spanish

▪️ Unlimited consultations

+200 resources and practical exercises

⚑ Certificate of completion

What you will learn

🟧 Understand the basics of the Java language: Learn from scratch how Java works, its fundamental principles, and how it differs from other programming languages.

🟧 Master Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Develop a deep understanding of OOP concepts, such as classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism, and how to apply them in software development using Java.

🟧 Prepare to pass Java certification exams: Acquire the knowledge and skills needed to pass industry-recognized certification exams that validate your Java proficiency.

🟧 Develop database and file management skills: Learn how to use Java to connect to databases using JDBC, manipulate files, and efficiently manage data in your applications.

🟧 Implement functional programming with Java: Explore advanced functional programming concepts using Lambda Expressions and the Stream API in Java, improving your code's ability to be more flexible and manageable.

🟧 Managing multithreaded applications: Learn how to create Java applications that can run multiple processes concurrently using multithreaded programming techniques, optimizing performance and efficiency.

🟧 Apply advanced Java concepts in real-world projects: Develop and strengthen your ability to use advanced Java features, such as collections, exceptions, abstract classes, interfaces, and more, in real-world software projects.

🟧 Understand and use Java classes: Delve deeper into the use of classes in Java, including their creation, implementing methods and constructors, and managing communication between objects.

🟧 Explore the inheritance hierarchy in Java: Learn how classes are structured in Java through inheritance, how the class hierarchy works, and how to apply this knowledge to create more organized and efficient applications.

🟧 Improve object communication skills: Master object communication techniques in Java to create more interactive and modular applications.

Course content

U1: Introduction
  • JDK Installation
  • Install Netbeans IDE
  • Hello world
  • Change Netbeans background color
U2: IMPORTANT: Clarification on the content
  • Clarification on the content
U3: Basic Level - Presentation
  • Presentation
U4: How to import projects in Netbeans
  • How to import projects in Netbeans
U5: Basic Level - Variables and data types
  • Introduction to variables
  • Comments in java
  • Data types in java - presentation
U6: Basic Level - Primitive Data Types
  • Introducing Primitive Data Types
  • Byte
  • Short
  • Int
  • Long
  • Char
  • Boolean
  • Float
  • Double
U7: Basic Level - Strings Presentation
  • Introduction to Strings
U8: Basic Level - Rules for defining variables
  • Rules for defining variables
U9: Basic Level - Operators
  • Presentation
  • Assignment Operators
  • Basic Arithmetic Operators
  • Unary operators
  • Incremental Arithmetic Operators
  • Combined arithmetic operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical operators
  • Ternary operator
  • Priority between operators
U10: Basic Level - Conversations
  • Conversions Introduction
  • String to Primitive Conversions
  • Primitive to String Conversions
  • Conversions between Primitives
U11: Basic Level - Data entry from keyboards
  • Keyboard data entry Introduction
  • Scanner
  • JOptionPane -- Introduction
  • JOptionPane InputDialog
  • JOptionPane MessageDialog
  • JOptionPane ConfirmDialog
  • JOptionPane OptionDialog
U12: Basic Level - Control Structures - Conditionals
  • Introduction
  • If
  • If-else
  • If-else-nested
  • Switch
  • Ternary operator
U13: Basic Level - Control Structures - Loops
  • Introduction to loops
  • While Loop
  • Do While Loop
  • For Loop
  • Break and Continue
U14: Basic exercises for all levels
  • Presentation
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
  • Exercise 6
  • Exercise 7
  • Exercise 8
  • Exercise 9
  • Exercise 10
  • Exercise 11
  • Exercise 12
  • Exercise 13
  • Exercise 14
  • Exercise 15
  • Exercise 16
  • Exercise 17
  • Exercise 18
  • Exercise 19
  • Exercise 20
U15: Basic Level - Final
  • Congratulations
U16: Intermediate Level - Presentation
  • Presentation
U17: IMPORTANT: Clarification on the content
  • Clarification on the content.
U18: Intermediate Level - OOP - (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Introduction
U19: Intermediate Level - Introduction
  • Classes in Java Part 1
  • Classes in Java Part 2
  • Class Attributes
  • Objects in Java part 1
  • Objects in Java part 2
  • Word "new" in objects part 1
  • Word "new" in objects part 2
U20: Intermediate Level - Methods
  • Introduction
  • Create a method
  • Parameters in methods
  • Word "this" in methods
  • Method overloading
  • Exercise 1 methods
  • Exercise 2 methods part 1
  • Exercise 2 methods part 2
  • Exercise 3 methods part 1
  • Exercise 3 methods part 2
U21: Intermediate Level - Builders
  • Introduction
  • Create a constructor
  • Create a constructor with parameters
  • Constructor overloading
U22: Intermediate Level - Scope of variables
  • Scope of variables
  • Stack vs Heap Memory
U23: Intermediate Level - Pass by value VS pass by reference in methods
  • Pass by value vs pass by reference part 1
  • Pass by value vs pass by reference part 2
  • Pass by value vs pass by reference part 3
U24: Intermediate Level - Packages
  • Introduction
  • Create packages
  • Import packages
U25: Intermediate Level - Matrices
  • Introduction
  • One-dimensional arrays part 1
  • One-dimensional arrays part 2
  • For each loop
  • Multidimensional arrays part 1
  • Multidimensional arrays part 2
  • Sorting arrays (methods)
  • Sorting arrays (bubble sort) part 1
  • Sorting arrays (bubble sort) part 2
  • Sorting arrays (bubble sort) part 3
  • Sorting arrays (insertion method) part 1
  • Sorting arrays (insertion method) part 2
  • Sorting arrays (insertion method) part 3
  • Sorting arrays (selection method) part 1
  • Sorting arrays (selection method) part 2
  • Search in arrays (methods)
  • Search in arrays (sequential search method) part 1
  • Search in arrays (sequential search method) part 2
  • Search in arrays (binary search method)
U26: Intermediate Level - Exercises
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
  • Exercise 6
  • Exercise 7
  • Exercise 8
  • Exercise 9
  • Exercise 10
U27: Intermediate Level - Inheritance
  • Introduction
  • Class hierarchy part 1
  • Class hierarchy part 2
  • Class hierarchy part 3
  • Using the word "final" part 1
  • Using the word "final" part 2
  • Using the word "final" part 3
  • Using the word "final" part 4
  • Using the word "super" part 1
  • Using the word "super" part 2
  • Using the word "super" part 3
  • Using the word "super" part 4
  • Redefining/Overwriting Legacy Elements Part 1
  • Redefining/Overwriting Legacy Elements Part 2
  • Redefining/Overwriting Legacy Elements Part 3
  • Builders
U28: Intermediate Level - Abstract Classes
  • Introduction
  • Abstract Classes
  • Abstract Methods
U29: Intermediate Level - Interfaces 
  • Introduction
  • Creating interfaces
  • Implementing an interface
  • Hierarchy between interfaces part 1
  • Hierarchy between interfaces part 2
  • Differences between abstract classes and interfaces
U30: Intermediate Level - Wrapper + Boxing and UnBoxing Classes
  • Introduction to Wrapper classes
  • Wrapper and Unwrap
U31: Intermediate Level - Methods with variable arguments
  • Introduction to VarArgs
  • Methods with VarArgs + normal methods
  • Method overloading with VarArgs
  • Error due to ambiguity in VarArgs
U32: Intermediate Level - Enumerations
  • Introduction to ENUMs (enumerations)
  • ENUM Example
  • ENUM Methods
  • ENUM, constructors, methods and variables
  • Inheritance and use of ordinal and compareTo
U33: Intermediate Level - Access Modifiers
  • Introducing Access Modifiers
  • private modifier
  • Modifier default
  • protected modifier
  • public modifier
U34: Intermediate Level - Using ´´Static´´ (Varables, methods and static blocks)
  • Introduction to "static"
  • Static variables
  • Static methods
  • Static blocks
U35: Intermediate Level - Encapsulation
  • Encapsulation concept part 1
  • Encapsulation concept part 2
U36: Intermediate Level - Polymorphism
  • Concept of Polymorphism
U37: Intermediate Level - InstanceOf
  • instanceOf operator
  • instanceOf with Interfaces
  • Example of using instanceOf
38: Intermediate Level - Object Casting (Conversations)
  • Casting of objects
  • UpCasting and DownCasting
U39: Intermediate Level - Math Class
  • Introduction to Math class part 1
  • Introduction to Math class part 2
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
  • Exercise 6
  • Exercise 7
  • Exercise 8
  • Exercise 9
  • Exercise 10
U40: Intermediate Level - String Class
  • Introduction to the String class
  • Strings are immutable
  • String class methods part 1
  • String class methods part 2
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
U41: Intermediate Level - Class Date
  • Introduction to the Date class part 1
  • Introduction to the Date class part 2
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
U42: Intermediate Level - Class Calendar
  • Introduction to the Calendar class part 1
  • Introduction to the Calendar class part 2
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
U43: Intermediate Level - Time API
  • Introduction to the Time API
  • Building Dates and Times with Time API Part 1
  • Building Dates and Times with Time API Part 2
  • Getting parts of dates and times with Time API
  • Transform dates and times with Time API
  • Time Adjusters with Time API
  • Time elapsed between dates with Tim API
  • Parsing dates with Time API
  • Custom date formatting with Tim's API
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
U44: Intermediate Level - Object Class
  • Introduction to the Object class
  • toString() method
  • hashCode() method
  • equals() method part 1
  • equals() method part 2
  • getClass() method
U45: Advanced Level - Presentation
  • Presentation
U46: IMPORTANT: Clarification on the content
  • Clarification on the content
U47: Advanced Level - Recursion
  • Introduction to recursion part 1
  • Introduction to recursion part 2
U48: Advanced Level - Programming using code blocks
  • Programming using code blocks
U49: Advanced Level - Exception Handling
  • Introduction to exceptions
  • try - catch - finally block
  • Checked and unchecked exceptions
  • Creating Custom Exceptions Part 1
  • Creating Custom Exceptions Part 2
  • Using custom exceptions (throw)
  • Exceptions with multiple catches and finallys
U50: Advanced Level - Collection Management (Lists)
  • Introduction to collections
  • Set (Introduction)
  • HashSet part 1
  • HashSet part 2
  • TreeSet part 1
  • TreeSet part 2
  • TreeSet part 3
  • LinkedHashSet
  • List (Introduction)
  • ArrayList
  • LinkedList
  • Map (Introduction)
  • HashMap
  • TreeMa
  • LinkedHashMap
U51: Advanced Level - Using generics in Java
  • Introduction to Generics
  • Generic methods and parameters
  • Bounded Generics and Methods Part 1
  • Bounded Generics and Methods Part 2
  • Methods and generics with multiple limits
  • Methods and generics with wildcards (WildCards) part 1
  • Methods and generics with wildcards (WildCards) part 2
  • Generic Constructors Part 1
  • Generic Constructors Part 2
  • Generic classes
  • Generic interfaces
U52: Advanced Level - Using Swing graphical interfaces
  • Introduction to Swing graphical interfaces
  • Basic Swing Components – Window (JFrame)
  • Basic Swing components – panel (JPanel)
  • Basic Swing Components – Labels (JLabel)
  • Basic Swing Components – Buttons (JButton)
  • Basic Swing Components – Text Field (JTextField)
  • Basic Swing Components – Text Area (JTextArea)
  • Basic Swing Components – Netbeans Graphical Designer
  • Events -- Introduction to events
  • Events – ActionListener
  • MVC with swing graphical interfaces part 1
  • MVC with swing graphical interfaces part 2
  • MVC with swing graphical interfaces part 3
  • MVC with swing graphical interfaces part 4
U53: Advanced Level - Threads
  • Introduction to threads of execution
  • Life cycle of a thread of execution
  • Creating a thread of execution part 1
  • Creating a thread of execution part 2
  • sleep() method, interrupt threads of execution
  • join() method
  • Synchronizing threads with Sincronyzed part 1
  • Synchronizing threads with Sincronyzed part 2
  • Synchronizing threads with Sincronyzed part 3
  • Synchronizing threads with Sincronyzed part 4
  • Naming a thread
  • Thread priority part 1
  • Thread priority part 2
  • Daemon thread / demon thread
  • wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods
U54: Advanced Level - File Management
  • Introduction to files
  • Creating directories and files part 1
  • Creating directories and files part 2
  • Writing to a text file part 1
  • Writing to a text file part 2
  • Writing to a text file part 3
  • Writing to a text file part 4
  • Reading a text file part 1
  • Reading a text file part 2
  • Reading a text file part 3
  • Reading a text file part 4
  • Writing to a binary file
  • Read a binary file
  • Writing objects to a binary file
  • Reading objects from a binary file
  • Add content to a binary file
  • MVC with Swing and files part 1
  • MVC with Swing and files part 2
  • MVC with Swing and files part 3
  • MVC with Swing and files part 4
  • MVC with Swing and files part 5
  • MVC with Swing and files part 6
  • MVC with Swing and files part 7
  • MVC with Swing and files part 8
  • MVC with Swing and files part 9
  • MVC with Swing and files part 10
  • MVC with Swing and files part 11
  • MVC with Swing and files part 12
  • MVC with Swing and files part 13
  • MVC with Swing and files part 14
U55: Advanced Level - System Class
  • Introduction to the System class
  • System Properties
  • Add and customize properties
  • Environment and operating system variables
U56: Advanced Level - SQL (Introduction)
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Data types in SQL
  • Install MySQL
  • Introduction to DDL
  • DDL create
  • DDL alter
  • DDL drop
  • DDL truncate
  • Introduction to DML
  • DML insert
  • DML select
  • DML update
  • DML delete
U57: Advanced Level - Database Management
  • Introduction to jdbc
  • Connecting to the database
  • Insert records into the database
  • Select a record from the database
  • Update a database record
  • Delete a record from the database
  • CRUD
  • MVC with Swing and JDBC part 1
  • MVC with Swing and JDBC part 2
  • MVC with Swing and JDBC part 3
  • MVC with Swing and JDBC part 4
  • MVC with Swing and JDBC part 5
  • MVC with Swing and JDBC part 6
  • MVC with Swing and JDBC part 7
  • MVC with Swing and JDBC part 8
U58: Advanced Level - Transaction Management
  • Introduction to transactions
  • Transactions with JDBC
U59: Advanced Level - Connection pool management
  • Connection pool
U60: Advanced Level - Java 8 functional programming
  • Introduction to functional programming
U61: Advanced Level - Java 8 Lambda Expressions
  • Introduction
  • Consumer
  • BiConsumer
  • Supplier
  • Function(TR)
  • BiFunction(TRS)
  • Predicate
  • BiPredicate
  • UnaryOperator
  • BinaryOperator
U62: Advanced Level - Java 8 API Stream
  • Introduction to the Stream API
  • Create a Stream 1 (Empty Stream)
  • Create a Stream 2 (Stream of Collection)
  • Create a Stream 3 (Stream of Array)
  • Create a Stream 4 (Stream.builder() )
  • Create a Stream 5 (Stream.generate() )
  • Create a Stream 6 (Stream.iterate() )
  • Create a Stream 7 (Stream of Primitives)
  • Streams Methods
  • Map Operator
  • Opderdor Filter
  • AnyMatch Operator
  • AllMatch Operator
  • Distinct Operator
  • Reduce Operator
  • Sum, Min, Max, Count Operator
  • Getting objects inside objects and lists
U63: Advanced Level - Java 8 Optional
  • Introduction to Optional
  • Using Optional imperatively
  • Using Optional in a functional way
  • Return a non-Optional value
Course evaluation
  • This course contains a final exam
G-Tools: For Students
  • Exclusive access to cutting-edge student tools: improve your employability, participate in exclusive events, take advantage of our intelligent virtual assistant, and more.
⚑ Certificate of completion
  • Your personalized digital certificate, a unique badge of your achievements, with international validity, course duration and QR code for instant verification.
Downloadable resources:

📎 Downloadable Guide Set:

▸ +200 resources and practical exercises


✔️ Master the Java programming language from scratch to an expert level with our complete Master's degree. This online course is designed to take you step by step, from the basics to the most advanced Java techniques. With a clear structure and a practical approach, you will learn to develop robust, high-quality applications that will allow you to stand out in the job market.

Through more than 400 lessons and practical exercises, you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned in each module, reinforcing your knowledge in object-oriented programming, database management, functional programming, multithreading, and much more. Upon completion of the course, you will be prepared to pass certification exams and take a big step in your professional career in software development.

Whether you're a beginner or already have experience in other programming languages, this course is designed to suit all levels. Learn at your own pace with unlimited lifetime access, 24/7 support, and a personalized certificate that you can add to your professional profile.

Enroll today and start your journey to Java mastery with our 0 to Expert Master!

Companies from all industries invest in the development of their teams with this course from G-Talent and Dumitru Pirontea

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Isabel Torres
Aprendí a trabajar en equipo, a resolver problemas.

El contenido del curso es muy relevante y práctico, lo que me ha permitido aplicar los conocimientos inmediatamente.

Ana López
Profesores geniales, aprendizaje práctico, ¡recomendado!

Me encanta la forma en que el curso combina la teoría con ejemplos prácticos y proyectos reales.

Sofia Pérez
El instructor es excelente, explica todo con claridad.

Si te apasiona la programación, este Máster te pondrá al día en las últimas tecnologías Java. ¡Muy completo!

Dumitru Pirontea

Analyst and Full-Stack Developer

About Dumitru Pirontea

Analyst and Full-Stack Developer

Dumitru Pirontea is a passionate Full Stack Developer with experience in building cross-platform applications for desktop, web, and mobile. With a solution-oriented mindset, Dumitru is dedicated to taking on new challenges and solving any problem that comes his way, always looking to expand his skills and knowledge.

Dumitru has a deep interest in various technological domains, including electronics, home automation and robotics, which motivates him to explore and apply new technologies in his projects. His multidisciplinary approach allows him to tackle complex problems with creativity and innovation, integrating different fields of technology to offer complete and effective solutions.

In addition to his work in software development, Dumitru values ​​work-life balance. Outside of the tech world, he enjoys spending quality time with his family and taking advantage of the outdoors. He firmly believes that maintaining this balance is key to staying creative and motivated in everything he does.

What makes Dumitru different?

▪️ Versatility and Passion for Innovation: Specialized in Full Stack development and with a solid foundation in various technologies, Dumitru combines his passion for technology with a practical approach to creating efficient and adaptable solutions.

▪️ Multidisciplinary Approach: His interest in electronics, home automation and robotics leads him to constantly explore new technologies and apply them in innovative projects that cross the traditional boundaries of software development.

▪️ Commitment to Personal and Professional Growth: Dumitru is always looking for new opportunities to learn and improve, facing each challenge with an open mind and a constant desire for improvement.

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In addition to high-quality content, this course gives you access to G-Tools, a suite of tools and resources designed to enhance your learning and your career.

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