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Intermediate Java. Full Object Oriented Programming

This course is designed to deepen your understanding of Java by applying advanced principles of object-oriented programming. You will learn to handle concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and design patterns, developing skills to create robust and maintainable applications. The course includes practices and projects that reinforce mastery of these concepts in real-world scenarios.

By Dumitru Pirontea | Analyst and Full-Stack Developer

$12.99 USD $67.99 USD

15 day refund guarantee

This course includes:

▪️ 22h 25m duration on demand

▪️ 165 lessons

▪️ 109 downloadable resources

▪️ Available on mobile devices

▪️ Access forever

▪️ Language:

  • Spanish

▪️ Unlimited consultations

Materials for practice

⚑ Certificate of completion

What you will learn

🟧 You will learn object-oriented programming (OOP) and everything related to it.

🟧 You will learn what classes are, how to use them, methods, constructors, etc.

🟧 You will learn the topic of inheritance and its hierarchy in Java.

🟧 You will learn about interfaces and their hierarchy in Java.

🟧 You will learn object communication in Java.

Course content

U1: IMPORTANT: Clarification on the content
  • Clarification on the content.
U2: Intermediate Level - Presentation
  • Presentation
U3: Intermediate Level - OOP - (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Object Oriented Programming
U4: Intermediate Level - Classes (Introduction)
  • Introduction to classes in Java part 1
  • Introduction to classes in Java part 2
  • Class Attributes
  • Objects in Java part 1
  • Objects in Java part 2
  • Word "new" in objects part 1
  • Word "new" in objects part 2
U5: Intermediate Level - Methods
  • Introduction to methods
  • Create a method
  • Parameters in methods
  • Word ""this"" in the methods
  • Method overload
  • Exercise 1 method
  • Exercise 2 methods part 1
  • Exercise 2 methods part 2
  • Exercise 3 methods part 1
  • Exercise 3 methods part 2
U6: Intermediate Level - Builders
  • Introduction to builders
  • Create a constructor
  • Create a constructor with parameters
  • Constructor overloading
U7: Intermediate Level - Scope of variables
  • Scope of variables
  • Stack vs Heap Memory
U8: Intermediate Level - Pass by value VS pass by reference in methods
  • Pass by value vs pass by reference part 1
  • Pass by value vs pass by reference part 2
  • Pass by value vs pass by reference part 3
U9: Intermediate Level - Packages
  • Introduction to packages
  • Create packages
  • Import packages
U10: Intermediate Level - Matrices
  • Introduction
  • One-dimensional arrays part 1
  • One-dimensional arrays part 2
  • For each loop
  • Multidimensional arrays part 1
  • Multidimensional arrays part 2
  • Sorting arrays (methods)
  • Sorting arrays (bubble sort) part 1
  • Sorting arrays (bubble sort) part 2
  • Sorting arrays (bubble sort) part 3
  • Sorting arrays (insertion method) part 1
  • Sorting arrays (insertion method) part 2
  • Sorting arrays (insertion method) part 3
  • Sorting arrays (selection method) part 1
  • Sorting arrays (selection method) part 2
  • Search in arrays (methods)
  • Search in arrays (sequential search method) part 1
  • Search in arrays (sequential search method) part 2
  • Search in arrays (binary search method)

U11: Intermediate Level - Exercises
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
  • Exercise 6
  • Exercise 7
  • Exercise 8
  • Exercise 9
  • Exercise 10
U12: Intermediate Level - Inheritance
  • Introduction
  • Class hierarchy part 1
  • Class hierarchy part 2
  • Class hierarchy part 3
  • Use of the word "final" part 1
  • Use of the word "final" part 2
  • Use of the word "final" part 3
  • Use of the word "final" part 4
  • Use of the word "super" part 1
  • Using the word "super" part 2
  • Use of the word "super" part 3
  • Use of the word "super" part 4
  • Redefining/Overwriting Legacy Elements Part 1
  • Redefining/Overwriting Legacy Elements Part 2
  • Redefining/Overwriting Legacy Elements Part 3
  • Builders
U13: Intermediate Level - Abstract Classes
  • Introduction
  • Abstract Classes
  • Abstract Methods
U14: Intermediate Level - Interfaces
  • Introduction
  • Creating interfaces
  • Implementing an interface
  • Interface hierarchy part 1
  • Interface hierarchy part 2
  • Differences between abstract classes and interfaces
U15: Intermediate Level - Wrapper + Boxing and UnBoxing Classes
  • Introduction to Wrapper Classes
  • Wrapper and Unwrap
U16: Intermediate Level - Methods with variable arguments
  • Introduction to VarArgs
  • Methods with VarArgs + normal methods
  • Method overloading with VarArgs
  • Error due to ambiguity in VarArgs
U17: Intermediate Level - Enumerations
  • Introduction to ENUMs (enumerations)
  • ENUM Example
  • ENUM Methods
  • ENUM, constructors, methods and variables
  • Inheritance and use of ordinal and compareTo
U18: Intermediate Level - Access Modifiers
  • Introducing Access Modifiers
  • private modifier
  • Modifier default
  • protected modifier
  • public modifier

U19: Intermediate Level - UseU1 of ´´Static´´ (Variables, methods and static blocks)

  • Introduction to "static"
  • Static variables
  • Static methods
  • Static blocks
U20: Intermediate Level - Encapsulation
  • Encapsulation concept part 1
  • Encapsulation concept part 2
U21: Intermediate Level - Polymorphism
  • Concept of Polymorphism
U22: Intermediate Level - InstanceOf
  • instanceOf operator
  • instanceOf with Interfaces
  • Example of using instanceOf
U23: Intermediate Level - Object Casting
  • (Conversations)"
  • Casting of objects
  • UpCasting and DownCasting
U24: Intermediate Level - Math Class
  • Introduction to Math class part 1
  • Introduction to Math class part 2
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
  • Exercise 6
  • Exercise 7
  • Exercise 8
  • Exercise 9
  • Exercise 10
U25: Intermediate Level - String Class
  • Introduction to the String class
  • Strings are immutable
  • String class methods part 1
  • String class methods part 2
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
U26:Intermediate Level - Class Date
  • Introduction to the Date class part 1
  • Introduction to the Date class part 2
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
U27: Intermediate Level - Class Calendar
  • Introduction to the Calendar class part 1
  • Introduction to the Calendar class part 2
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
U28: Intermediate Level - Time API
  • Introduction to the Time API
  • Building Dates and Times with Time API Part 1
  • Building Dates and Times with Time API Part 2
  • Getting parts of dates and times with Time API
  • Transform dates and times with Time API
  • Time Adjusters with Time API
  • Time elapsed between dates with Tim API
  • Parsing dates with Time API
  • Custom date formatting with Tim's API
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
U29: Intermediate Level - Object Class
  • Introduction to the Object class
  • toString() method
  • hashCode() method
  • equals() method part 1
  • equals() method part 2
  • getClass() method
U30: End of the course
  • End of the course
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  • Exclusive access to cutting-edge student tools: improve your employability, participate in exclusive events, take advantage of our intelligent virtual assistant, and more.
⚑ Certificate of completion
  • Your personalized digital certificate, a unique badge of your achievements, with international validity, course duration and QR code for instant verification
Downloadable resources:

📎 Set of exercises and complementary materials.

▪️ 100+ resources and practical exercises


✔️ The best course to learn object-oriented programming in Java (OOP). With practical exercises.

This is the most detailed and best explained course, in which you can learn OOP and all the concepts related to it.

The course has been organized in a very clear and concise manner. The syllabus has been structured by sections in which you can find everything broken down so that you can specifically search for what interests you.

In the course we will follow the following structure:

Theoretical and practical explanation: The theoretical explanations are reinforced by presentation for a better understanding of the subject, in addition to using practical and simple examples.

In most sections you will have exercises so that you can put into practice everything you have learned.

The exercises are divided into sections. For each section you will have specific exercises.

Companies from all industries invest in the development of their teams with this course from G-Talent and Dumitru Pirontea

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Luis González
Gran curso, bien estructurado y con ejemplos prácticos.

Este curso es ideal para quienes ya tienen conocimientos básicos en Java y desean profundizar en programación orientada a objetos. Me ha encantado la forma en que se explican conceptos avanzados como la herencia y el polimorfismo, y los ejemplos proporcionados han sido muy esclarecedores. Los temas están bien organizados y el soporte del instructor ha sido excelente.

Isabel Castro
Contenido claro y bien organizado, ideal para avanzar en Java.

Este curso ha sido fundamental para mejorar mis habilidades en Java y POO. La estructura del curso es lógica y progresiva, lo que facilita el aprendizaje de conceptos intermedios y avanzados. Los proyectos prácticos son una excelente manera de aplicar los conocimientos y los recursos proporcionados son muy útiles.

Natalia Vega
Perfecto para quienes buscan dominar técnicas avanzadas en Java.

"Participar en este curso ha sido una experiencia reveladora. La manera en que se abordan los conceptos intermedios de Java y POO es excepcional. La estructura del curso permite un aprendizaje gradual y sólido, con aplicaciones prácticas que facilitan la comprensión. Los ejercicios y proyectos finales son muy útiles para consolidar lo aprendido. Definitivamente una excelente inversión en mi desarrollo profesional.

Dumitru Pirontea

Analyst and Full-Stack Developer

About Dumitru Pirontea

Analyst and Full-Stack Developer

Dumitru Pirontea is a passionate Full Stack Developer with experience in building cross-platform applications for desktop, web, and mobile. With a solution-oriented mindset, Dumitru is dedicated to taking on new challenges and solving any problem that comes his way, always looking to expand his skills and knowledge.

Dumitru has a deep interest in various technological domains, including electronics, home automation and robotics, which motivates him to explore and apply new technologies in his projects. His multidisciplinary approach allows him to tackle complex problems with creativity and innovation, integrating different fields of technology to offer complete and effective solutions.

In addition to his work in software development, Dumitru values ​​work-life balance. Outside of the tech world, he enjoys spending quality time with his family and taking advantage of the outdoors. He firmly believes that maintaining this balance is key to staying creative and motivated in everything he does.

What makes Dumitru different?

Versatility and Passion for Innovation: Specialized in Full Stack development and with a solid foundation in diverse technologies, Dumitru combines his passion for technology with a practical approach to creating efficient and adaptable solutions.

Multidisciplinary Approach: His interest in electronics, home automation and robotics leads him to constantly explore new technologies and apply them in innovative projects that cross the traditional boundaries of software development.

Commitment to Personal and Professional Growth: Dumitru is always looking for new opportunities to learn and improve, facing each challenge with an open mind and a constant desire for improvement.

Discover the added value: G-Tools and much more

In addition to high-quality content, this course gives you access to G-Tools, a suite of tools and resources designed to enhance your learning and your career.

Employability support resources, live events and take advantage of Aixa.IA's artificial intelligence to resolve your questions at any time.

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  • Study at your own pace

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