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7 Benefits of Mindfulness that You Should Know


Romina Iaconelli |

By being aware of the development of mindfulness and the here and now, this makes us capable of developing certain positive attitudes in relation to our mental and emotional state, managing to control them from freedom and self-knowledge. There are many studies that have been carried out around mindfulness , a practice that today has a great deal of information and exercises for its development. From there arise a couple of benefits that we mention below:

Benefits of Mindfulness

1. Control stress and anxiety

Stress is a state of physical and mental tension that can trigger illnesses such as depression and anxiety. It has been proven that practicing mindfulness reduces stress and relieves tension when our body is stressed, regulating and mobilizing energy in stressful situations. Excess cortisol , the hormone that produces stress in our body, has side effects. Therefore, the serenity that mindfulness brings benefits physical and emotional health, as it reduces cortisol levels and regulates blood pressure.

2. Fight insomnia

People who practice mindfulness sleep more and better. This is because according to Holly Roy , author of a study on the benefits of mindfulness conducted at the University of Utah , “people who practice mindfulness daily show better control over emotions and behaviors during the day. On the other hand, these people show a low level of cortical activation at night, which helps them sleep better.” Therefore, a state of calm and an increase in relaxation is reached, this leads to the person feeling calmer and without certain worries in their head that rob them of tranquility and sleep at bedtime.

3. Increased relaxation

It has been proven that practicing Mindfulness brings calm, since it fills us with tranquility and relaxes our body and mind. Those who practice it regularly report that it brings them great serenity and a feeling of well-being.


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4. Improves concentration

Mindfulness is practiced through relaxation, so relaxing our body and mind leads us to find ourselves in a state of peace, which makes it, in a way, easier for us to concentrate on what we are doing at the moment. A study by Walsh and Shapiro showed that mindfulness is effective in increasing our ability to concentrate.

5. Increases emotional intelligence

Meditating regularly helps people to get to know themselves better, to grow in self-awareness and to evolve internally. As a result, they will have the ability to have greater emotional control or, as it is also known, emotional intelligence.

6. It favors interpersonal relationships

Greater self-knowledge and emotional self-management facilitates emotional expression with other people, as well as helping to develop greater social skills such as empathy, patience and communication skills.

7. Develop creativity

We all have the ability to be creative and generate wonderful ideas. Of course, some people have this ability more developed than others. Obviously, suffering from stress and having high levels of anxiety blocks these abilities. That is why mindfulness allows this ability to develop smoothly. To experience these and other benefits that the practice of Mindfulness brings, we suggest some exercises that we know can help you.


Mindfulness proposes a state of consciousness and full attention, which will benefit us in any area of ​​our life. Download this completely FREE guide with all the techniques that will help you master mindfulness.

The impact of Mindfulness in the company

The emotional health of workers is a fundamental objective in any company or organization. Mindfulness in companies is committed to the formation of work teams that function very well and, of course, to a healthy company.

Reducing stress and increasing employee well-being are the main objectives of mindfulness within companies.

We often hear about emotional intelligence, good leadership, motivation, efficiency and high performance. These are highly desirable factors in employees and managers of any company. However, daily stress, conflicts and crises that occur at work gradually accumulate if we do not know how to deal with them.

This is where it is proven that mindfulness courses achieve positive and direct results in the minds of employees, making them more effective and fulfilled.

Learn about our course here: Mindfulness and Wellbeing: Revolutionize your Company

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