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How to Photograph a Product?


Jerotshi Cáceres |

If you need help photographing a product, you can continue reading this article to learn How to photograph a product. Having good photographs of a product will be vital to make a difference, because traditionally in physical stores we have the opportunity to see the product up close, touch it and even measure ourselves to make the purchase decision.

However, online stores only have photos and information available in the posts. For this reason, products must have a complete description and high-quality photos that play in your favor and help you sell more.

Don't worry, you don't need to invest in expensive equipment, you only need a cell phone and you can get amazing photos of your products. Below we will give you some tips to get professional photos:

photographing a product photographing a product photographing a product

Tips for Photographing a Product

1. Choose the right light

The most important thing to consider when taking product photos is the light. You must have adequate lighting so that the details of your products can be appreciated, and it is best to use natural light, because this will guarantee better shots, but it is not only about the light but also its distribution.

Correct light distribution will create the right effect when, and if this is soft lighting it will create a delicate effect, illuminating all angles of the product, an important detail when photographing three-dimensional objects.

Strong lighting, on the other hand, creates more contrasts. Shadows tend to be more pronounced and edges sharper. We normally recommend that you use soft lighting for product photos. To take advantage of its benefits, you can place it on a white surface that will help you distribute the light, avoiding intense shadows. You can even put together your own set with a cardboard box, transparent paper, tape and scissors.

2. Select a background for your products

If you prefer a non-white background, choose a background that makes your products stand out. Remember that all attention should be focused on the product, avoid creating very busy backgrounds so as not to distract attention. The important thing is to highlight the product with the colors of the background, you can even put together a physical set or make it digital.

The white background will always get you out of trouble, because it will always highlight the product and you will be able to give it the effect you want in editing, such as adding shadows, elements or figures.

The dark background, on the other hand, can help you highlight the colors of a product. If it is a single color, you can achieve depth. This effect of the black background can create a feeling of luxury or quite the opposite. For this reason, you should choose your background very well.


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3. Use angles and composition

🔵 Angles: The idea is to play with angles and discover which qualities are the most flattering for your product. Try taking different shots, but always keep in mind that it should reflect the true size of the product, its quality and its shape so that your customers can see the details.

🔵 Composition: Composition is important when taking a photo of several objects together. It is then about the placement of the visual elements, try to organize each one harmoniously so that they can all be appreciated in the photo. You may discover that they need to be taken separately or in some cases it is better to take them together to highlight their qualities.

If you need to display small items, you can even use mock-ups, such as earrings and bracelets, so that customers can get an idea of ​​what they would look like when worn, or you can also purchase a jewelry stand to rest them on.

4. Use a stand

Avoid blurry or shaky photos, the best thing in these cases is to have a support to help you. There are currently a large number of options, find the one that best suits your needs.

5. Indicate the actual size of the product

If you have a product that customers cannot identify its size in real life, make a reference so they can appreciate it and it does not affect their purchase decision. In this case, when photographing a product, you should include an object that people can recognize by its size next to your product so they can get a better idea.

6. The usefulness of the product

The best way to showcase your product is to show its usefulness. This way, people will have an idea of ​​how the product would look on them. In the case of a watch, swimsuit, shoes, etc., you can use a model and this will make it more likely that people will want to buy your product.


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7. The more, the better

Remember that the only information customers have about your product is what you can show them. If you have clothing in several colors, show them all the colors available, so they get an idea of ​​what they would like. Take a series of photos showing the variety of colors available, so your product looks more attractive and has more chances of selling.

Include as many photos as possible, and you can even create a video to complement and show your product in action. Don't miss any opportunity to give your customer information about your products.

8. Add text

The photo itself can say a lot, but you should add a good product description to complement the information. Add text to the photo as necessary, indicate dimensions, materials and weight to improve your customers' purchasing process.

Add text that can help, but never overload the photos with unnecessary information. You must take care of the aesthetics of your photos that you have worked so hard on using the previous tips.

Can you take photos of a product with your cell phone?

If you don't have professional equipment, no problem. Nowadays, many phones allow you to take good, high-quality images and will help you highlight the best attributes of your product. You can calibrate the light and focus quickly.

Dare to experiment, explore the camera's functions, and photograph a product without fear of making mistakes. Remember that you can always delete them and keep trying to take shots after shots.

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