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How to Choose the Right Social Network for Your Business?


Romina Iaconelli |

In recent years, the use of social media has become a key tool to boost the growth of your company. It is one of the best ways to gain visibility and get closer to your customers. However, choosing the right social network for your business can become very complex and confusing.

Social media allows you to communicate, promote, sell and showcase your products or services. However, not all social media are necessarily useful for your business, which means that it is essential to correctly choose the ones that best fit your needs and that allow you to assertively make your brand visible.

What should be taken into account when choosing a social network?

To determine which social network is the most suitable, the main thing is to study the products and services you offer. It is important to have defined short- and long-term objectives in order to develop an appropriate marketing strategy.

Each network has different characteristics and audiences, as well as specific functions for sharing information. Understanding social networks allows you to make the best decision about which network to use for your promotion strategy. If you are considering investing in advertising, it is important to define the sales objectives you want to achieve.

Which social network is your ideal client on?

This point is very important to consider when developing your digital marketing strategy. Your client may be a user of all platforms, however, there is one where they spend most of their time and it is in that network where you should allocate your resources and have more activity in order to achieve greater visibility and the opportunity to reach your users with your digital marketing strategy.

The reach of your social network is affected by the resources you invest in it. Virtually all social networks could work equally well for almost any business if you invest correctly in them and actively manage them. However, investing large amounts of money does not guarantee a favorable return on investment. Part of the marketing strategy is to research each social network and establish which one will give you the best return in order to choose the tools in which you are going to invest resources.


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Create your Marketing Plan

Part of choosing the right social media for your business is planning a good social media strategy . This is the first step before investing time and money in them. Create a step-by-step plan based on your objectives, including contingency plans to have timely solutions if something unexpected happens.

Success on social media is largely due to one important factor: consistency. That is why it is important to take into account all the details and, once the plan is established, work to achieve the objectives and, if required, make the necessary modifications to comply with what is stipulated.

Characteristics of the Main Social Networks


It is definitely the most popular of all, almost all businesses should have a Fan Page on Facebook , regardless of the type of company you have, whether you sell beauty products, clothing, technology, services, among others.

Facebook has more than 2.4 billion active users , of which around 50% log in daily. It is used by both young and old people, with a similar proportion of men and women.

If that's not impressive enough, the average user follows 80 businesses, which offers a great opportunity for your brand to appear in your ideal customer's profile.

Facebook allows you to create close ties such as comments and private messages, it gives you very specific segmentation for digital marketing campaigns and also allows you to obtain valuable information such as what type of content generates the most interaction.

It is advisable to make new posts every day and encourage users to interact to maintain interest and loyalty.


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It is the platform that has had the greatest growth in recent years and is characterized by its visual content. Photographs and short videos can be published, and its audience is more than 100 million active users per month and is mainly young and female.

Instagram is the ideal platform for companies that create and sell products or services related to decoration, gastronomy, health and beauty, fashion, art, tourism and entertainment, as it is very powerful if you have visual material to share with your followers. With it, you can humanize your brand.


Twitter is a social network that provides information on current events, and is ideal for sharing news, technical information and opinions. It has over 340 million users and is recommended for companies that want to stay in the minds of consumers and offer consulting, training and personal and professional development services.

With Twitter you can promote your products or services and redirect your audience to your website .

This social network is especially useful for direct communication with your clients and allows you to respond immediately to any queries.

Although Twitter has expanded the character limit for its posts in recent months, you can't go on for too long on Twitter .


LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world, with more than 700 million users. According to experts, it is the most suitable network for generating sales leads. Its focus is not massive, and it allows you to generate more personalized relationships. It is a much more serious platform than any other social network.

The most appropriate content to include on LinkedIn has to be professional and informative. Focus on this network if you offer specialized products or services for the corporate or professional market.


Online videos have gained a lot of popularity in recent years, companies that sell consumer products must have a presence on this social network. There are 2 billion YouTube users worldwide, about 79% of internet users have their own YouTube account.

The options are varied, you can choose from typical advertising to video tutorials. On this social network, the most important thing is creativity, that your content is original and entertaining, not the budget you invest. It is important to know your audience, stay active, humanize your brand and form ties with your community.

YouTube is recommended for:

✅Gastronomy schools.

✅Professional makeup.


✅Travel agencies.

✅Fashion stores.

✅Architecture experts.

✅Experts in decoration, among others.

This platform allows you to show tutorials detailing your business processes so that the public can easily learn about your capabilities and skills.

Social networks are one of the most important bases for Digital Marketing , that is why properly selecting the one that best suits your company is the first step towards a successful sales strategy. With a good content plan and consistency you will achieve your goals quickly.

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